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binary-sky committed Feb 15, 2023
1 parent 342499d commit 06fa8a6
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
from torch.distributions.categorical import Categorical
import torch
from .foundation import AlgorithmConfig
from UTIL.tensor_ops import repeat_at, _2tensor
from torch.distributions import kl_divergence
EPS = 1e-9
# yita = p_hit = 0.14

def random_process(probs, rsn_flag):
yita = AlgorithmConfig.yita
with torch.no_grad():
max_place = probs.argmax(-1, keepdims=True)
mask_max = torch.zeros_like(probs).scatter_(-1, max_place, 1).bool()
pmax = probs[mask_max]
if rsn_flag:
assert max_place.shape[-1] == 1
return max_place.squeeze(-1)
# forbit max prob being chosen, pmax = probs.max(axis=-1)
p_hat = pmax + (pmax-1)/(1/yita-1)
k = 1/(1-yita)
#!!! write
probs *= k
#!!! write
probs[mask_max] = p_hat
# print(probs)
dist = Categorical(probs=probs)
samp = dist.sample()
assert samp.shape[-1] != 1
return samp

def random_process_allow_big_yita(probs, rsn_flag):
yita = AlgorithmConfig.yita
with torch.no_grad():
max_place = probs.argmax(-1, keepdims=True)
mask_max = torch.zeros_like(probs).scatter_(-1, max_place, 1).bool()
pmax = probs[mask_max].reshape(max_place.shape) #probs[max_place].clone()
if rsn_flag:
assert max_place.shape[-1] == 1
return max_place.squeeze(-1)
# forbit max prob being chosen
# pmax = probs.max(axis=-1) #probs[max_place].clone()
yita_arr = torch.ones_like(pmax)*yita
yita_arr_clip = torch.minimum(pmax, yita_arr)
# p_hat = pmax + (pmax-1) / (1/yita_arr_clip-1) + 1e-10
p_hat = (pmax-yita_arr_clip)/(1-yita_arr_clip)
k = 1/(1-yita_arr_clip)
probs *= k
probs[mask_max] = p_hat.reshape(-1)

# print(probs)
dist = Categorical(probs=probs)
samp = dist.sample()
assert samp.shape[-1] != 1
return samp #.squeeze(-1)

def random_process_with_clamp3(probs, yita, yita_min_prob, rsn_flag):

with torch.no_grad():
max_place = probs.argmax(-1, keepdims=True)
mask_max = torch.zeros_like(probs).scatter_(dim=-1, index=max_place, value=1).bool()
pmax = probs[mask_max].reshape(max_place.shape)
# act max
assert max_place.shape[-1] == 1
act_max = max_place.squeeze(-1)
# act samp
yita_arr = torch.ones_like(pmax)*yita
# p_hat = pmax + (pmax-1) / (1/yita_arr_clip-1) + 1e-10
p_hat = (pmax-yita_arr)/((1-yita_arr)+EPS)
p_hat = p_hat.clamp(min=yita_min_prob)
k = (1-p_hat)/((1-pmax)+EPS)
probs *= k
probs[mask_max] = p_hat.reshape(-1)
dist = Categorical(probs=probs)
act_samp = dist.sample()
# assert act_samp.shape[-1] != 1
hit_e = _2tensor(rsn_flag)
return torch.where(hit_e, act_max, act_samp)

class CCategorical():
def __init__(self, planner):
self.planner = planner


def sample(self, dist, eprsn):
probs = dist.probs.clone()
return random_process_with_clamp3(probs, self.planner.yita, self.planner.yita_min_prob, eprsn)

def register_rsn(self, rsn_flag):
self.rsn_flag = rsn_flag

def feed_logits(self, logits):
return Categorical(logits=logits)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
cimport cython
from cython.parallel import prange
ctypedef fused DTYPE_t:

ctypedef fused DTYPE_intlong_t:
np.int32_t # to compat Windows

ctypedef np.uint8_t DTYPE_bool_t

def roll_hisory( DTYPE_t[:,:,:,:] obs_feed_new,
DTYPE_t[:,:,:,:] prev_obs_feed,
DTYPE_bool_t[:,:,:] valid_mask,
DTYPE_intlong_t[:,:] N_valid,
DTYPE_t[:,:,:,:] next_his_pool):
# how many threads
cdef Py_ssize_t vmax = N_valid.shape[0]
# how many agents
cdef Py_ssize_t wmax = N_valid.shape[1]
# how many entity subjects (including self @0)
cdef Py_ssize_t max_obs_entity = obs_feed_new.shape[2]
cdef int n_v, th, a, t, k, pointer
for th in prange(vmax, nogil=True):
# for each thread range -> prange
for a in prange(wmax):
# for each agent
pointer = 0
# step 1 fill next_his_pool[0 ~ (nv-1)] with obs_feed_new[0 ~ max_obs_entity-1]
for k in range(max_obs_entity):
if valid_mask[th,a,k]:
next_his_pool[th, a, pointer] = obs_feed_new[th,a,k]
pointer = pointer + 1

# step 2 fill next_his_pool[nv ~ (max_obs_entity-1)] with prev_obs_feed[0 ~ (max_obs_entity-1-nv)]
n_v = N_valid[th,a]
for k in range(n_v, max_obs_entity):
next_his_pool[th,a,k] = prev_obs_feed[th,a,k-n_v]
return np.asarray(next_his_pool)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import numpy as np
from ALGORITHM.common.mlp import LinearFinal
from UTIL.tensor_ops import add_onehot_id_at_last_dim, add_onehot_id_at_last_dim_fixlen, repeat_at, _2tensor, gather_righthand, scatter_righthand

class DivTree(nn.Module): # merge by MLP version
def __init__(self, input_dim, h_dim, n_action):

# to design a division tree, I need to get the total number of agents
from .foundation import AlgorithmConfig
self.n_agent = AlgorithmConfig.n_agent
self.div_tree = get_division_tree(self.n_agent)
self.n_level = len(self.div_tree)
self.max_level = len(self.div_tree) - 1
self.current_level = 0
self.init_level = AlgorithmConfig.div_tree_init_level
if self.init_level < 0:
self.init_level = self.max_level
self.current_level_floating = 0.0

get_net = lambda: nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(h_dim+self.n_agent, h_dim),
LinearFinal(h_dim, n_action)
# Note: this is NOT net defining for each agent
# Instead, all agents starts from self.nets[0]
self.nets = torch.nn.ModuleList(modules=[
get_net() for i in range(self.n_agent)

def set_to_init_level(self, auto_transfer=True):
if self.init_level!=self.current_level:
for i in range(self.current_level, self.init_level):
self.change_div_tree_level(i+1, auto_transfer)

def change_div_tree_level(self, level, auto_transfer=True):
print('performing div tree level change (%d -> %d/%d) \n'%(self.current_level, level, self.max_level))
self.current_level = level
self.current_level_floating = level
assert len(self.div_tree) > self.current_level, ('Reach max level already!')
if not auto_transfer: return
transfer_list = []
for i in range(self.n_agent):
previous_net_index = self.div_tree[self.current_level-1, i]
post_net_index = self.div_tree[self.current_level, i]
if post_net_index!=previous_net_index:
transfer = (previous_net_index, post_net_index)
if transfer not in transfer_list:
for transfer in transfer_list:
from_which_net = transfer[0]
to_which_net = transfer[1]
print('transfering model parameters from %d-th net to %d-th net'%(from_which_net, to_which_net))

def forward(self, x_in, agent_ids): # x0: shape = (?,...,?, n_agent, core_dim)
if self.current_level == 0:
x0 = add_onehot_id_at_last_dim_fixlen(x_in, fixlen=self.n_agent, agent_ids=agent_ids)
x2 = self.nets[0](x0)
return x2, None
x0 = add_onehot_id_at_last_dim_fixlen(x_in, fixlen=self.n_agent, agent_ids=agent_ids)
res = []
for i in range(self.n_agent):
use_which_net = self.div_tree[self.current_level, i]
res.append(self.nets[use_which_net](x0[..., i, :]))
x2 = torch.stack(res, -2)
# x22 = self.nets[0](x1)

return x2, None

# def forward_try_parallel(self, x0): # x0: shape = (?,...,?, n_agent, core_dim)
# x1 = self.shared_net(x0)
# stream = []
# res = []
# for i in range(self.n_agent):
# stream.append(torch.cuda.Stream())

# torch.cuda.synchronize()
# for i in range(self.n_agent):
# use_which_net = self.div_tree[self.current_level, i]
# with[i]):
# res.append(self.nets[use_which_net](x1[..., i, :]))
# print(res[i])

# # s1 = torch.cuda.Stream()
# # s2 = torch.cuda.Stream()
# # # Wait for the above tensors to initialise.
# # torch.cuda.synchronize()
# # with
# # C =, A)
# # with
# # D =, B)
# # Wait for C and D to be computed.
# torch.cuda.synchronize()
# # Do stuff with C and D.

# x2 = torch.stack(res, -2)

# return x2

def _2div(arr):
arr_res = arr.copy()
arr_pieces = []
pa = 0
st = 0
needdivcnt = 0
for i, a in enumerate(arr):
if a!=pa:
arr_pieces.append([st, i])
if (i-st)!=1: needdivcnt+=1
pa = a
st = i

arr_pieces.append([st, len(arr)])
if (len(arr)-st)!=1: needdivcnt+=1

offset = range(len(arr_pieces), len(arr_pieces)+needdivcnt)
for arr_p in arr_pieces:
length = arr_p[1] - arr_p[0]
if length == 1: continue
half_len = int(np.ceil(length / 2))
for j in range(arr_p[0]+half_len, arr_p[1]):
arr_res[j] = offset[p]
return arr_res

def get_division_tree(n_agents):
agent2divitreeindex = np.arange(n_agents)
max_div = np.ceil(np.log2(n_agents)).astype(int)
levels = np.zeros(shape=(max_div+1, n_agents), dtype=int)
tree_of_agent = []*(max_div+1)
for ith, level in enumerate(levels):
if ith == 0: continue
res = _2div(levels[ith-1,:])
levels[ith,:] = res
res_levels = levels.copy()
for i, div_tree_index in enumerate(agent2divitreeindex):
res_levels[:, i] = levels[:, div_tree_index]
return res_levels

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