2018 Hoon H., Eonil
It's possible to use FSEvents directly in Swift 4, but it still involves many boilerplate works and subtle conversions.
This library provides mostly faithful wrapper around FSEvents feature tailored for Swift 4.
import EonilFSEvents
try EonilFSEvents.startWatching(
paths: ["/"],
for: ObjectIdentifier(self),
with: { event in print(event) })
EonilFSEvents.stopWatching(for: ObjectIdentifier(self))
Make a EonilFSEvents
, schedule it to a GCD queue, and start.
let s = try EonilFSEvents(pathsToWatch: paths,
sinceWhen: .now,
latency: 0,
flags: [],
handler: handler)
try s.start()
After use, deinitialize by stop, invalidate(unschedule).
As soon as the last strong reference removed, the stream will be destroyed.
In the Xcode, AppKit apps are configured to use Sandbox by default. Sandboxed apps cannot access files out of its container. Therefore, it could look like it cannot receive file system events out of the container. To receive file system events out of container, you should turn off sandboxing.
Copyright(c) 2018 Hoon H., Eonil. All rights reserved. Use of this library is granted under "MIT License".