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C-based Agent Behavior Specification Language (CABSL)


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C-based Agent Behavior Specification Language (CABSL)

The C-based Agent Behavior Specification Language (CABSL) [1] allows specifying the behavior of a robot or a software agent in C++11. Semantically, it follows the ideas of the Extensible Agent Behavior Specification Language XABSL developed by Martin Lötzsch, Max Risler, and Matthias Jüngel, but its integration into a C++ program requires significantly less programming overhead. The actual implementation of CABSL is only contained in tree files, which can be found in the directory include of this distribution. In addition, there is a script file in the directory bin that can be used to visualize the behavior. All other source files are just part of an example on how to use CABSL.

CABSL is also part of all B-Human Code Releases since 2013. The difference between the version that comes with the B-Human software and the version in this distribution is that the former is tightly integrated with B-Human's streaming architecture, while the version in this release uses the standard iostream library instead.

This is the second version of CABSL, CABSL 2. In comparison to CABSL 1, it adds the ability to split the behavior into multiple compilation units, it uses a different syntax for passing arguments, and it adds constant definitions as well as state variables.


A robot control program is executed in cycles. In each cycle, the agent acquires new data from the environment, e.g. through sensors, runs its behavior, and then executes the commands the behavior has computed, i.e. the agent acts. This means that a robot control program is a big loop, but the behavior is just a mapping from the state of the world to actions that also considers what decisions it has made before.


CABSL describes the behavior of an agent as a hierarchy of finite state machines, the so-called options. Each option consists of a number of states. Each state can define transitions to other states within the same option as well as the actions that will be executed if the option is in that state. One of the possible actions is to call another option, which lets all options form a directed acyclic graph. In each execution cycle, a subset of all options is executed, i.e. the options that are reachable from the root option through the actions of their current states. This current set of options is called the activation graph (actually, it is a tree). Starting from the root option, each option switches its current state if necessary and then it executes the actions listed in the state that is then active. The actions can set output values or they can call other options, which again might switch their current state followed by the execution of actions. Per execution cycle, each option switches its current state at most once.

It is possible to define options that do not have any state. However, they will be treated as normal functions. For instance, they will not be shown as part of the activation graph.


Options can have a number of states. One of them is the initial state, in which the option starts when it is called for the first time and to which it falls back if it is executed again, but was not executed in the previous cycle, because no other option called it. There are two other kinds of special states, namely target states and aborted states. They are intended to signify to the calling option that the current option has either succeeded or failed. The calling option can determine, whether the last sub-option it called has reached one of these states. It is up to the programmer to define what succeeding or failing actually mean, i.e. under which conditions these states are reached.


States can have transitions to other states. They are basically decision trees, in which each leaf contains a goto-statement to another state. If none of these leafs is reached, the option stays in its current state.

An option can have a common transition. Its decision tree is executed before the decision tree in the current state. The decision tree of the current state functions as the else-branch of the decision tree in the common transition. If the common transition already results in a change of the current state, the transitions defined in the states are not checked anymore. In general, common transitions should be used sparsely, because they conflict with the general idea that each state has its own conditions under which the state is left.


States have actions that are executed if the option is in that state. They set output symbols and/or call other options. Although any C++ statements can be used in an action block, it is best to avoid control statements, i.e. branching and loops. Branching is better handled by state transitions and loops should not be used in the behavior, but rather in functions that are are executed before or after the behavior or that are called from within the behavior. It is allowed to call more than one sub-option from a single state, but only the last one called can be checked for having reached a target state or an aborted state.


All options have access to the member variables of the class in the body of which they are included. These member variables function as input symbols and output symbols. Input symbols are usually used in the conditions for state transitions. Output symbols are set in actions.

There are four predefined symbols that can be used in the conditions for state transitions:

  • The option_time is the time the option was continuously active, i.e. the time since the first execution cycle it became active without being inactive afterwards. The unit of the time depends on the time values passed to the behavior engine (see section Example).

  • The state_time is the time the option was continuously in the same state, i.e. the time since the first execution cycle it switched to that state without switching to another one afterwards. The state_time is also reset when the option becomes inactive, i.e. the state_time can never be bigger than the option_time.

  • action_done is true if the last sub-option executed in the previous cycle was in a target state.

  • action_aborted is true if the last sub-option executed in the previous cycle was in an aborted state.


Options can have arguments. From the perspective of the option, they are not different from input symbols. As in C++, arguments hide member variables of the surrounding class with the same name. When calling an option, its actual arguments are passed to it as they would be in C++.

However, when calling the option, a special syntax is used. Technically, all arguments are passed as a structure initialized using the C++ construct designated initializers. For instance, if an option go_to has two integer arguments x and y, it can be called with go_to({.x = 1, .y = 2}). This makes it more clear which value is passed to which argument. If default values are specified for arguments in the declaration of the option, these arguments can be left out when calling the option.

Constant Definitions

Transitions and actions in options do not only depend on option arguments, but also on constant values, e.g. how long to wait before switching the state. The code is easier to understand and to maintain if such values are stored as named constants (which are also documented). While constants that are used by more than one option should better be defined globally, there are a lot of values that are specific to individual options. Therefore, CABSL allows to define such constants in the head of an option.

The values of these constants can either be defined in place or they can be loaded from an external file. In case of the latter, the option would read a file with the same name as the option itself, but with the extension .cfg in the current directory. Thus, it would be possible to use different values for the constants by selecting a different current directory before starting the behavior. For instance, if an option go_to defines two integer constants length and width that should be read from a file, there must exist a file go_to.cfg that looks like this:

length: 78
width: 21

State Variables

In general, the current state of a CABSL behavior just consists of the information which options are currently part of the activation graph and in which state they currently are. However, in some situations options need additional memory. For instance if an option should turn a robot by a certain angle, it has to remember the robot's orientation when the command was given to be able to determine when the desired rotation angle has been reached. Therefore, CABSL allows to define state variables. They keep their values from one execution cycle to the next one. However, whenever an option is not executed in a cycle, they are reset to their initial values before the option is called again. Thus they always have a defined state. As these variables are part of the behavior's state, they are also part of the activation graph.

Dynamic Option Selection

The command select_option allows to execute one option from a list of options. It is tried to execute each option in the list in the sequence they are given. If an option determines that it cannot currently be executed, it stays in its initial_state. Otherwise, it is run normally. select_option stops after the first option that was actually executed. Note that an option that stays in its initial_state when it was called by select_option is considered as not having been executed at all if it has no action block for that state. If it has, the block is still executed, but neither the option_time nor the state_time are increased. A call to select_option could, e.g., look like this, assuming the three options called behave as it was described above:



<cabsl>       = { <option> }

<option>      =  option '(' [ '(' <C-ident> ')' ] <C-ident>
                 [ ',' args '(' <decls> ')' ]
                 [ ',' ( defs | load ) '(' <decls> ')' ]
                 [ ',' vars '(' <decls> ')' ]
                 ')' ( <body> | ';' )

<body>        = '{'
                [ <C-statements> ]
                [ common_transition <transition> ]
                { <other-state> } initial_state <state> { <other-state> }

<decls>       = <decl> { ',' <decl> }

<decl>        = '(' <type> ')' [ '(' <C-expr> ')' ] ' ' <C-ident>

<other-state> = ( state | target_state | aborted_state ) <state>

<state>       = '(' C-ident ')'
                [ transition <transition> ]
                [ action <action> ]

<transition>  = '{' <C-ifelse> '}'

<action>      = '{' <C-statements> '}'

<C-ident> is a normal C++ identifier. <C-expr> is a normal C++ expression that can be used as default value for an argument. <C-ifelse> is a decision tree. It should contain goto statements (names of states are labels). Conditions can use the pre-defined symbols state_time, option_time, action_done, and action_aborted. Within a state, the action <C-statements> can contain calls to other (sub)options. action_done determines whether the last sub-option called reached a target state in the previous execution cycle. action_aborted does the same for an aborted state. At the beginning of an option, it is possible to add arbitrary C++ code, which can contain definitions that are shared by all states, e.g. lambda functions that contain calculations used by more than one state. It is not allowed to call other options outside of action blocks.

Options can declare three kinds of additional information:

  • Arguments (args) that can be passed to the option.
  • Constant definitions (defs, load). If defs is used, all constants need an initialization value (<C-expr>). If load is used instead, they do not need one. Instead, their values are loaded from a configuration file.
  • State variables (vars) that keep their values between calls.

Defining Options Inline or Separately

Options are always part of a surrounding behavior class. However, they can either be defined inline in the body of that class or the implementation can be kept separately and be compiled to its own object file. For small behaviors, the first approach is suitable. For instance, the example that is part of this repository uses this approach (by #includeing options into the body of the main behavior class). For larger behaviors, it is better to keep options in separate compilation units to avoid re-compiling the whole behavior after only changing the code of a single option.

If an option is defined inline, its head can contain arguments, definitions, and variables. For instance, the following code could be defined inline in the body a of a surrounding class:

option(Option, args((int) arg1, (bool)(true) arg2),
               defs((int)(0) def1, (float)(3.14f) def2),
               vars((int)(1) var1, (char)('x') var2))
  // ...

If an option is split into a declaration and an actual implementation, the declaration can only contain the arguments (with optional default values). In that case, only the following code would be part of the body of the surrounding class:

option(Option, args((int) arg1, (bool)(true) arg2));

The actual implementation can then by placed in a different file. It must repeat the arguments, but without any default values, and it can contain constant definitions and state variables. Assuming the option was declared in the body of a class Behavior, the implementation could look like this:

#include "Behavior.h"

option((Behavior) Option,
       args((int) arg1, (bool) arg2),
       defs((int)(0) def1, (float)(3.14f) def2),
       vars((int)(1) var1, (char)('x') var2))
  // ...

If options are defined separately, any declarations in the surrounding class (other options, symbols) that are accessed by these options cannot be declared as private, i.e. they have to be either protected or public.


A port of the example soccer agent that comes with the XABSL distribution for ASCII soccer (see the acknowledgements) demonstrates the usage of CABSL. ASCII soccer depends on the ncurses library (CABSL itself does not). If the development version of this library is installed, the example can be built by simply running make in the main directory of this distribution. On Microsoft Windows, a Unix environment such as Cygwin is required with the packages make and libncurses-devel installed. After a successful build, the example can be executed by calling ./soccer. For everything to be visible, make sure that the terminal window is at least 80 columns wide and is as high as possible. 54 rows would be optimal. The top of the window shows a soccer field, the bottom shows up to four activation graphs of the four players running the CABSL example code.

The example behavior is described in the files in the directory example/options. They are all included into the file example/options.h, which is included into the file example/behavior.h. The class Behavior defined in the two files example/behavior.(h|cpp) shows how to embed a CABSL behavior into the code. It is derived from the template class Cabsl. It has members for all the symbols the behavior can access and it contains a method that is called once per execution cycle called execute. The method first updates all the members, i.e. the input symbols usable by the behavior, by calling updateWorldState. It then runs the behavior through these three lines:


The argument of beginFrame is an unsigned int that functions as time. Often milliseconds are used here, but in the example, a simple frame counter is employed instead. It is important that the time progresses from one execution cycle to the next one, i.e. the number passed to beginFrame must be different from the previous call. The second line executes the behavior. The root of the behavior is the option play_soccer, which is called here. It will call the other options if necessary. It is possible to call more than one root option in an execution cycle, but execute can only call options without arguments. The execution of the behavior ends with a call to endFrame. In the example, the behavior always sets the output symbol next_action, which is then returned by execute.

During the execution of the behavior, data about the options and states is collected in an instance of the class ActivationGraph. The address of this instance was passed to the constructor of Cabsl. The method showActivationGraph shows how this data can be visualized, in this case using commands from the ncurses library. In the graphs, the arguments of the enumeration type Action are shown literally instead of just being displayed as numbers. This is achieved by overloading the operator<< of the iostream library for that type.

The file example/main.cpp connects the behavior to the interface of ASCII soccer. It creates four instances of the behavior and lets the four player functions call the execute method of their respective behavior instance.


If the program dot by GraphViz is installed, the script createGraphs can be executed to create graphs visualizing the behavior (except for options called through select_option). For the example that comes with this release, such graphs can be created by executing

make graphs


bin/createGraphs -p example/options.h

This creates a file options.pdf that shows the graph of all options and an additional pdf-file for each option. The script can be called in two ways. Either the name of a header file is passed that directly includes all options of the behavior. Or the switch -m is used to specify the name of the main pdf-file followed by a list of all cpp-files that contain options instead. The former variant is used if all options are defined inline. The latter one is used if options are implemented in separate cpp-files. In addition, the path to dot can be specified if it is not in the search path. By default, the script creates SVG files. This can be changed to PDF using a switch. There is also an option to manually add data to the graphs, which is not explained here.

usage: bin/createGraphs { options } ( <header file> | -m <name> <cpp files> )
    -a <file> manually add data
    -d <dot>  path to executable 'dot'
    -h        show this help
    -p        output pdf instead of svg

Technical Details


CABSL uses features of C++20, which means that support for this variant must be enabled when compiling. It also heavily relies on macros which work with current versions of cl (Microsoft's C++ compiler), g++, and clang++. For cl, the modern preprocessor must be activated, i.e. the switch /Zc:preprocessor must be specified. While the names of all internal macros start with _CASBL, which makes conflicts unlikely, the front-end macros might cause problems with existing code, because they use rather normal identifiers:


If these identifiers are used outside their intended purpose in CABSL, strange errors might occur, because their appearances are replaced by the C++ preprocessor by code that does not make sense outside the behavior. To avoid conflicts with existing header files, always include Cabsl.h last.

Code Generation

Technically, the C++ preprocessor translates each option to a member function (and some helpers) and a member variable of the surrounding class. The member variable stores the context of the option, e.g. which is its current state. The context is passed as a hidden argument to each option with the help of a temporary wrapper object. Each state is translated to an if-statement that checks whether the state is the current one and that contains the transitions and actions. CABSL uses C++ labels as well as line numbers (__LINE__) to identify states. Therefore it is not allowed to write more than one state per line. Each state defines an unreachable goto statement to the label initial_state, which is defined by the initial state. Thereby, the C++ compiler will ensure that there is exactly one initial state if the option has at least one state. If the compiler warning for unused labels is enabled, the compiler will warn if there are unreachable states. There is also an assertion which checks that never more than a single transition block is executed per option and execution cycle at runtime. This should catch some errors, that result from the CABSL macros not being used as intended.

As all options are declared inside the same class body, where C++ supports total visibility, every option can call every other option and the sequence in which the options are defined is not important. Each option sets a marker in its context whether its current state is a normal, target, or aborted state. It also preserves that marker of the last sub-option it called for the next execution cycle so that the symbols action_done and action_aborted can use it. The context also stores when the option was activated (again) and when the current state was entered to support the symbols option_time and state_time.

Arguments, constant definitions, and state variables are all passed as parameters to the member function that contains the code of the option. The latter two are always passed as references (const for constant definitions). They are are stored in memory as structures owned by the option's context.

Streaming Values

Arguments and state variables are added to the activation graph. To do this, they are written to a stream using the operator <<. The method str() of that stream is then used to get a string representation of the value afterwards. By default, CABSL uses the class std::stringstream as the implementation for that stream. Arguments and state variables must be streamable into a standard ostream as text, because they are added to a data structure that allows visualizing the activation graph. Therefore, if arguments or state variables are not of primitive data types, the streaming operator must be overloaded for those types or these values will not appear in the activation graph:

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const V&)

where V is the type of the value.

It is also possible to use a different class for converting values to text. The class must use the operator << for adding values and return the resulting string through a member function str(). It can then be passed to CABSL as the third template parameter of the class cabsl::Cabsl<>.

Reading Configuration Files

By default, the class InFileStream.h is used to read values from configuration files. Its constructor simply add the extension .cfg to the file name passed and opens the file with that name. It implements a method read that reads a single name/value pair per line. For reading the actual values, the operator >> of the class std::istream is used. Therefore, if load is used and constant definitions are not of primitive data types, the streaming operator must be overloaded for those types:

std::istream& operator>>(std::istream&, V&)

where V is the type of the value.

It is also possible to replace the class InFileStream by a custom one, as long as the interface stays the same. The class used can then be passed to CABSL as the second template parameter of the class cabsl::Cabsl<>.


If Microsoft Visual Studio is used and inline options are included from separate files, the following preprocessor code should be added before including Cabsl.h:


Class has to be replaced by the first template parameter of Cabsl. The prefix helps Intellisense to understand that the options are actually part of the class into the body of which they are included.

Code Breaking Changes in Version 2

CABSL 2 is not entirely downward compatible with CABSL 1. The following details must be changed when upgrading:

  • CABSL 2 requires C++20, because it uses designated initializers.
  • All CABSL definitions are now part of the namespace cabsl. Therefore, the classes Cabsl and ActivationGraph must be prefixed by cabsl::.
  • The list of formal option arguments must be surrounded by args(...). For instance, option(Option, (int) arg1, (float)(1.f) arg2) must be replaced by option(Option, args((int) arg1, (float)(1.f) arg2)).
  • When calling an option with arguments, the arguments must now be named explicitly: Instead of, e.g., Option(1, 2.f) now Option({.arg1 = 1, .arg2 = 2.f}) must be written (or Option({.arg1 = 1}) to use the default value for arg2).
  • When calling execute or select_option, options are now referred to by their name, i.e. as a string, instead of an abstract value.


  1. Röfer, T. (2018). CABSL – C-Based Agent Behavior Specification Language. In: Akiyama, H., Obst, O., Sammut, C., Tonidandel, F. (eds). RoboCup 2017: Robot World Cup XXI. RoboCup 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11175. Springer, Cham.


C-based Agent Behavior Specification Language (CABSL)







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