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This is a basic connector that connects MarkLogic and Apache pulsar. The connector is using MarkLogic DMSDK java API at its core. When configured as Sink connector, the messages from pulsar are pushed into MarkLogic. When configured as Source connector, the messages are pulled from MarkLogic as a batch job (triggered by a Cron expression) and written to a pulsar topic. See the 'example data pipeline' in the examples folder to see how the connectors can be used with other connectors and systems to create a data pipeline.


  1. MarkLogic 9+
  2. Apache Pulsar 2.7.0+
  3. Maven (if building locally)
  4. Java 1.8

To build locally

  1. Download or fork the source code
  2. At the project root, run mvn clean install
  3. The archive file (.nar) will be created in the <root>/target folder

If you do not want to build locally, the archive file .nar file can be downloaded and installed. See the instructions below.

Install the connector and Run

  1. Download the .nar archive file

  2. Copy to a convenient location where pulsar is installed or running (Ex. /connectors

  3. Build the json configuration file marklogic-sink.json

  4. (Optional) If there is a MarkLogic connector that is already running, delete using

    bin/pulsar-admin sinks delete --name <connector name> bin/pulsar-admin sources delete --name <connector name>

  5. Create the new connector using below command

    bin/pulsar-admin sinks create --name <connector name> --archive <path to the .nar archive file> --inputs <source pulsar topic> --sink-config-file <path to the configuration file> --processing-guarantees EFFECTIVELY_ONCE

    bin/pulsar-admin sources create --name <connector name> --archive <path to the .nar archive file> ----destination-topic-name <destination pulsar topic> --source-config-file <path to the configuration file>

There are other options for pulsar-admin. Please see apache pulsar documentation for details.

Configuring Sink Connector

Property Required Description Sink or Source
mlConnectionHost true The MarkLogic host that the connector connects to Both
mlConnectionPort true The MarkLogic app server port that the connector connects to Both
mlDatabase true The MarkLogic database that the connector connects to Both
mlSecurityContext true The MarkLogic Security Context to create - digest, basic, certificate Both
mlUserName true Name of MarkLogic user to authenticate as Both
mlPassword true Password for the MarkLogic user Both
mlConnectionType true Connection Type; DIRECT or GATEWAY Both
mlSimpleSSL false Set to true to use a trust-everything SSL connection Both
mlPathToCertFile false Path to the certificate file for certificate authentication Both
mlPasswordForCertFile false Password for the certificate file Both
mlExternalName false External name for Kerberos authentication Both
dmsdkBatchSize false Number of documents to write in each batch of DMSDK. Default is 1 Both
dmsdkThreadCount false Number of threads for DMSDK to use. Default is 1 Both
dmsdkTransform false Name of a REST transform to use when writing documents. Refer MarkLogic documentation on installing REST Transforms Both
dmsdkTransformParams false Delimited set of transform parameter names and values Both
dmsdkTransformParamDelimiter false Delimiter for transform parameter names and values; defaults to a comma Both
mlAddTopicAsCollections false Indicates if the topic name should be added to the set of collections for a document Sink
mlDocumentCollections false Comma delimited collections to add each document to Sink
mlDocumentFormat true Defines format of each document; can be one of json, xml, text, binary, or unknown Sink
mlDocumentMimeType false Defines the mime type of each document; typically format is set instead of mime type Sink
mlDocumentPermissions false Comma delimited permissions to add to each document; role1,capability1,role1,capability2,role2,capability1 Sink
mlDocumentURIPrefix false Prefix to prepend to each generated URI Ex. /pulsar-data/mytopic Sink
mlDocumentURISuffix false Suffix to append to each generated URI Ex. .json Sink
dhfFlowName false The flow that has to be run on ingest Sink
dhfFlowSteps false The flow steps that needs to be run. Multiple steps can be comma separated. Ex. 2,3 Sink
dhfType false Whether the data hub framework is DHS or onprem/cloud. Valid values are dhs, onprem, cloud. This has effect only if dhfFlowName is set Sink
dhfProperties false Whether to apply default properties to build hubConfig. For example, if dhfType=dhs and dhfProperties=default, then there are no other hub configuration properties are required. Valid values are 'default' and 'custom'. This has effect only if dhfFlowName is set Sink
dhfPropertiesPath false The properties file from which the hub Properties are to be loaded. This should be an absolute path and has effect only if dhfFlowName is set. Sink
mlSSL false Whether a custom SSL connection to the App server like mutual Auth. The dependency on this will be eliminated in future Both
mlHostNameVerifier false The strictness of Host Verifier - ANY, COMMON, STRICT Both
mlSSLMutualAuth false Mutual Authentication for Basic or Digest: true or false Both
mlIdStrategyPath false The JSON path for ID Strategy Sink
dmsdkSourceQuery true The Source query that is used to pull the records in a Batch. See an example below for a raw query Source
dmsdkIsSourceQuerySerialized true Is the Source query a raw CTS query or a serialized Query Source
batchSourceConfig.discoveryTriggererClassName true The class that implements the Batch job triggerer. Default is com.marklogic.pulsar.config.CronTriggerer. Source
batchSourceConfig.discoveryTriggererConfig.CRON true The cron expression to schedule the Source batch job. Ex. 0 0/5 * * * ? Source

URI generation strategies (Applies only for Sink connector)

MarkLogic Uris are to be unique. If a conflicting URI is generated, there would be silent overwrite of documents. If the conflicting URIs are in the same batch (when you have dmsdkBatchSize > 1), then there would be errors generated due to conflicting updates. You have a few options listed below to choose your URI generation strategy. Choose the option that best fits you for generating unique URIs. The final URI generated will be {mlDocumentURIPrefix}/{ID generated from mlIdStrategyForURI}/{mlDocumentURISuffix}

Value Description Example
UUID A system generated unique identifier. If you are not sure about your data, then this will be your best option. This is also the default option.
JSONPATH Choose a qualified JSON path for generating the ID. If your document is
{ "Customer" : { "id" : 10001, "name" : "Tim"}}
and if the configuration properties are set as "mlDocumentURIPrefix" : "/pulsar-data"
"mlDocumentURISuffix" : ".json"
"mlIdStrategyForURI" : "JSONPATH"
"mlIdStrategyPath" : "/Customer/id", the URI that would be generated will be
Note that if "id" is not unique, URIs generated will not be unique. If multiple JSON Paths are provided, then only the first one will be used.
HASH A MD5 hash of the values from all the JSON Paths provided. If your document is
{ "Customer" : { "id" : 10001, "name" : "Tim"}}
and if the configuration properties are set as "mlDocumentURIPrefix" : "/pulsar-data"
"mlDocumentURISuffix" : ".json"
"mlIdStrategyForURI" : "HASH"
"mlIdStrategyPath" : "/Customer/id, /Customer/name", the URI that would be generated will be
Here eba24f0e1c9e3363f0c4f5bcb33179461 is the MD5 hash value of 10001Tim. Note that if hashed value is not unique, URIs generated will not be unique. Multiple JSON Paths can be used, separated by comma
PULSAR_META_WITH_SLASH The URI generated will be having the topic, partitition and sequence number of the message. For example, if the pulsar topic is persistent://public/default/marklogic-topic, the partition is marklogic-topic-0 and sequence number of message is 48792, and the below configuration properties are set "mlDocumentURIPrefix" : "/pulsar-data"
"mlDocumentURISuffix" : ".json"
"mlIdStrategyForURI" : "PULSAR_META_WITH_SLASH" then the URI of the message is
This strategy should ideally generate unique URIs, but note that it depends on the Pulsar's capability to generate unique sequence numbers within in a topic partition. Note that the persistent:// in topic's URI is changed to persistent/
PULSAR_META_HASHED The URI generated will be the hashed value of topic, partition and sequence number. For example, if the pulsar topic is persistent://public/default/marklogic-topic, the partition is marklogic-topic-0 and sequence number of message is 48792, and the below configuration properties are set "mlDocumentURIPrefix" : "/pulsar-data"
"mlDocumentURISuffix" : ".json"
then the URI of the message is
where 9cdfc945708835835da746a35c5a7fca is the MD5 hash value of persistent://public/default/marklogic-topicmarklogic-topic-048792
This strategy should ideally generate unique URIs, but note that it depends on the Pulsar's capability to generate unique sequence numbers within in a topic partition.

Sink Configuration Example

{"configs" : {
"mlConnectionHost" :  "",
"mlConnectionPort" :  8010,
"mlDatabase" :  "data-hub-STAGING",
"mlSecurityContext" :  "BASIC",
"mlUserName" :  "dh-admin-1",
"mlPassword" :  "mypwd",
"mlConnectionType" :  "GATEWAY",
"mlSimpleSSL" :  "true",
"mlPathToCertFile" :  "",
"mlPasswordForCertFile" :  "",
"mlExternalName" :  "",
"mlHostNameVerifier" :  "ANY",
"mlTlsVersion" :  "TLSv1.2",
"mlSSLMutualAuth" :  "false",
"dmsdkBatchSize" :  1,
"dmsdkThreadCount" :  10,
"dmsdkTransform" :  "",
"dmsdkTransformParams" :  "",
"mlDocumentCollections" :  "coll-1wayauth-strict",
"mlDocumentFormat" :  "JSON",
"mlDocumentMimeType" :  "",
"mlDocumentPermissions" :  "rest-reader,read,rest-writer,update",
"mlDocumentURIPrefix" :  "/pulsar-data/1wayauth/strict/",
"mlDocumentURISuffix" :  ".json",
"mlIdStrategyForURI" : "JSONPATH",
"mlIdStrategyPath" : "/CustomerInfo/key",
"mlAddTopicAsCollections" : "true"

Sink Configuration with DHF (DHS)

    "configs": {
	"mlConnectionHost": "myDomain",
	"mlConnectionPort": 8010,
	"mlDatabase": "data-hub-STAGING",
	"mlSecurityContext": "BASIC",
	"mlUserName": "dh-admin-1",
	"mlPassword": "MarkLogic*001",
	"mlConnectionType": "GATEWAY",
	"mlSimpleSSL": "true",
	"mlPathToCertFile": "",
	"mlPasswordForCertFile": "",
	"mlExternalName": "",
	"mlHostNameVerifier": "ANY",
	"mlTlsVersion": "TLSv1.2",
	"mlSSLMutualAuth": "false",
	"dmsdkBatchSize": 50,
	"dmsdkThreadCount": 10,
	"dmsdkTransform": "insertTSTransform",
	"dmsdkTransformParams": "",
	"mlDocumentCollections": "customers",
	"mlDocumentFormat": "JSON",
	"mlDocumentMimeType": "",
	"mlDocumentPermissions": "rest-reader,read,rest-writer,update",
	"mlDocumentURIPrefix": "/pulsar-data/1wayauth/strict/",
	"mlDocumentURISuffix": ".json",
	"mlIdStrategyForURI": "JSONPATH",
	"mlIdStrategyPath": "/CustomerInfo/key",
	"mlAddTopicAsCollections": "true",
	"dhfType": "dhs",
	"dhfProperties": "default",
	"dhfPropertiesPath": "",
	"dhfFlowName": "CustomerIngest",
	"dhfFlowSteps": "2"

Source Configuration Example

"batchSourceConfig": {
	"discoveryTriggererClassName": "com.marklogic.pulsar.config.CronTriggerer",
	"discoveryTriggererConfig": {
	    "__CRON__": "0 0/5 * * * ?"
    "className" : "com.marklogic.pulsar.MarkLogicSource",
"configs" : {
"mlConnectionHost" :  "",
"mlConnectionPort" :  8010,
"mlDatabase" :  "data-hub-STAGING",
"mlSecurityContext" :  "BASIC",
"mlUserName" :  "myuser",
"mlPassword" :  "mypassword",
"mlConnectionType" :  "GATEWAY",
"mlSimpleSSL" :  "true",
"mlPathToCertFile" :  "",
"mlPasswordForCertFile" :  "",
"mlExternalName" :  "",
"mlHostNameVerifier" :  "ANY",
"mlTlsVersion" :  "TLSv1.2",
"mlSSLMutualAuth" :  "false",
"dmsdkBatchSize" :  100,
"dmsdkThreadCount" :  10,
"dmsdkTransform" :  "CSVTransform",
"dmsdkTransformParams" :  "",
"dmsdkSourceQuery" : "cts.andQuery([cts.collectionQuery('customers'),cts.pathRangeQuery('//insertTS', '<', fn.currentDateTime()),cts.pathRangeQuery('//insertTS', '>=', fn.currentDateTime().subtract('PT5M'))])",
"dmsdkIsSourceQuerySerialized" : "false"


Apache Pulsar MarkLogic Source & Sink Connector






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