is written to disk when generating C++ code.
Unrecognized command-line flags are now reported.
The compiler now has better validation for Unions such as checking for duplicate discriminators or bad tags.
The compiler will now throw an error when an Enum has members with duplicate names.
Documentation from union branches is now moved to the inner definitions.
Generated C# code now contains constructors. (#77 )
Generated C# code will leverage the record type for structs
with the readonly
Generated C# code now uses the global
prefix for type resolution to fix ambiguous reference issues.
Generated C# concrete types now have the partial modifier
snake_casing is now properly converted to PascalCase where relevant.
Fixes an issue where new line characters in documentation would break the codegen for C#.
Fixes an issue where various places in generated C# code didn't have the namespace prefixed.
Fixes an issue in the C# codegen where duplicate constructors were generated if a type had no members .
The C# codegen now converts Enum definition names and members to PascalCase.
The C# codegen now properly prefixes the namespace on Enums.
Two-character acronyms are now preserved during PascalCase conversion.
C++ Runtime
Fixes a bug when writing 64-bit floats.
Various style improvements to bebop.hpp
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