For call save_masks with image names that you want to create a mask for:
in first pop up window click ‘p’ to enter polygon mode this will allow you to select a polygon by clicking various points
when done selecting the polygon click ‘q’ which will fill in the mask on the image for you to see
then click some point in the center that will be used to align the mask with the second image
hit escape when done
the state of the image can be reset by hitting ‘r’ note that you will need to hit ‘p’ again to enter polygon mode
hit escape when done with the first image
additional controls:
- click ‘o’ or ‘i’ to rotate the image
- click ‘=‘ or ‘-‘ to resize the image NOTE you must use the saved new source image for the mask to be applicable
click anywhere in the image to overlay mask
hit escape when done to save masks
click r at anytime to reset frame
- masks are stored with the same name + “_mask.png” in the same folder as the code
- new source image is stored with name + “_newsource.png”
NOTE: May need to manually resize images so cv2.imshow can show whole image