Assume that you are using Mac OS X Snow Leopard (this means you will have python and related tools installed):
- Install virtualenv and install virtualenvwrapper. Use virtualenvwrapper tool to create virtual enviroment for Pyramid.
- Install Mysql Community Server 5.1 64-bit or 32-bit from here.
- Install memcached by using macports or HomeBrew. HomeBrew is recommended.
- Install RabbitMQ by following this. It should be very easy with HomeBrew. After installation, you need to start the server.
- Install
if you don't have it. - Then you can install all required library by running
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Initialize the mysql database by running
paver bootstrap
- Start Celery by running command
celeryd -l info
under the project home folder - Start the app by
python develop && PYRAMID_DEBUG_ROUTEMATCH=true paster serve development.ini
mysqlimport -u root --fields-terminated-by=',' --fields-optionally-enclosed-by='"' --lines-terminated-by='\r\n' --verbose --columns=rank,name,city,short_name --local lifescore world_schools.csv