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STIPS is the Space Telescope Imaging Product Simulator. It is designed to create simulations of full-detector post-pipeline astronomical scenes for any telescope. Currently STIPS has modules for WFC3 IR (F110W and F160W only), JWST (NIRCam Short, NIRCam Long, and MIRI), and WFIRST (WFI). STIPS has the ability to add instrumental distortion (if available) as well as calibration residuals (currently flatfield residuals, dark current residuals, and cosmic ray residuals). It automatically includes Poisson noise and readout noise. It does not include instrument saturation effects. In addition, STIPS has the ability to generate its own scenes, consisting of stellar populations and background galaxies (implemented as Sersic profiles).

Why use STIPS?

STIPS is intended for cases where an ETC (e.g. Pandeia) does not provide enough detector area (e.g. testing photometry code, quick looks at dither patterns or multi-detector observations of a scene). For JWST and WFIRST, it obtains its background count levels and instrumental throughput levels from Pandeia internally, so it should produce output within 10% of output produced by Pandeia.

If extremely good instrumental accuracy is needed, STIPS is not the ideal choice. Instead, the various instrument design teams have produced much more detailed simulators. STIPS is intended to run reasonably quickly, and to make scene generation and observation as easy as possible.

STIPS Python Requirements

STIPS currently runs under python 2.7 (and has been developed with versions 2.7.3 through 2.7.12). Eventually, STIPS will be made compatible with python 3.

STIPS requires the following STScI-supported python packages be installed and running correctly (along with any data files that the packages themselves require, as can be found in their documentation):

  • Pandeia (tested with versions 1.0 and 1.1.1)
  • Webbpsf (tested with versions between 0.4.0 and 0.6.0)

STIPS also uses the following (more general) python packages:

  • astropy (version 1.3.2): STIPS uses astropy in order to
    • read and write FITS files
    • read and write ASCII tables (specifically in the IPAC format)
    • generate Sersic profile models (if any are in the generated scene)
  • esutil (version 0.6.0): Used for retrieving data from sqlite databases in the form of numpy arrays
  • montage_wrapper (version 0.9.8): STIPS uses montage to generate mosaics. It is only imported if STIPS is asked to generate a multi-detector image.
  • numpy (version 1.12.1): STIPS uses numpy extensively for almost everything that it does
  • photutils (version 0.3.2): STIPS uses photutils to determine the flux inside the half-light radius in generated Sersic profiles
  • pysynphot (version STIPS uses pysynphot to generate bandpasses, count rates, and zero points. Note that pysynphot's data files (also known as the CDBS data tree) must also be installed and available as indicated in pysynphot's documentation.
  • scipy (version 0.18.1): STIPS uses scipy to manipulate its internal images (zoom and rotate)

Finally, STIPS requires a set of data files whose location is marked by setting the environment variable stips_data. Currently these files are available as part of the STSCI-STIPS-UI github project, but they should eventually be made available as a (versioned) direct download.

STIPS Examples

NOTE: If you do not have environment variables pointing to the location of your Pandeia data, STIPS data, and Webbpsf data, you must set these environment variables using os.environ or other equivalent method prior to running any of these example scripts.

  • Creating a scene with a single stellar population and a single galaxy population, then observing it with NIRCam Short F115W:

      from stips.scene_module import SceneModule
      from stips.observation_module import ObservationModule
      scm = SceneModule()
      stellar = {'n_stars': 50000, 
      		   'age_low': 1.0e12, 'age_high': 1.0e12, 
      		   'z_low': -2.0, 'z_high': -2.0,
      		   'imf': 'salpeter', 'alpha': -2.35,
      		   'binary_fraction': 0.1,
      		   'distribution': 'invpow', 'clustered': True,
      		   'radius': 100.0, 'radius_units': 'pc',
      		   'distance_low': 20.0, 'distance_high': 20.0,
      		   'offset_ra': 0.0, 'offset_dec': 0.0}
      stellar_cat_file = scm.CreatePopulation(stellar)
      galaxy = {'n_gals': 1000,
      		  'z_low': 0.0, 'z_high': 1.0,
      		  'rad_low': 0.01, 'rad_high': 2.0,
      		  'sb_v_low': 30.0, 'sb_v_high': 25.0,
      		  'distribution': 'uniform', 'clustered': False,
      		  'radius': 200.0, 'radius_units': 'arcsec',
      		  'offset_ra': 0.0, 'offset_dec': 0.0}
      galaxy_cat_file = scm.CreateGalaxies(galaxy)
      obs = {'instrument': 'NIRCamShort', 
             'filters': ['F115W'], 
             'detectors': 1,
      	   'distortion': False,
      	   'oversample': 5,
      	   'pupil_mask': '',
      	   'background': 'avg',
      	   'observations_id': 1,
      	   'exptime': 1000,
      	   'offsets': [{'offset_id': 1, 'offset_centre': False, 'offset_ra': 0.0, 'offset_dec': 0.0, 'offset_pa': 0.0}]}
      obm = ObservationModule(obs)
      output_stellar_catalogues = obm.addCatalogue(stellar_cat_file)
      output_galaxy_catalogues = obm.addCatalogue(galaxy_cat_file)
      psf_file = obm.addError()
      fits_file, mosaic_file, params = obm.finalize(mosaic=False)

    In this case, the output FITS file will be in the variable fits_file, and the output catalogues (showing the actual count rate and position of the sources observed) will be in the variables output_stellar_catalogues and output_galaxy_catalogues.

  • Creating a scene from an existing source catalogue input_sources.txt, and observing it with the WFIRST WFI "J129" filter, offset by 0.5 degrees in RA, and rotated by 27 degrees:

      from stips.observation_module import ObservationModule
      obs = {'instrument': 'WFI', 
             'filters': ['J129'], 
             'detectors': 1,
      	   'distortion': False,
      	   'oversample': 5,
      	   'pupil_mask': '',
      	   'background': 'avg',
      	   'observations_id': 1,
      	   'exptime': 1000,
      	   'offsets': [{'offset_id': 1, 'offset_centre': False, 'offset_ra': 0.5, 'offset_dec': 0.0, 'offset_pa': 27.0}]}
      scene_general = {'ra': 256.274799731, 'dec': 22.6899695529, 'pa': 0.0, 'seed': 1}
      obm = ObservationModule(obs, scene_general=scene_general)
      source_count_catalogues = obm.addCatalogue('input_sources.txt')
      psf_file = obm.addError()
      fits_file, mosaic_file, params = obm.finalize(mosaic=False)

    In this case, the output catalogue(s) will show the actual applied count rates. Whether there is only one output catalogue or two depends on the input catalogue format.








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