Developed by Benjamin Tay
Implements Algorithm 1 and 2 from the DDSKetch paper.
Basic Usage
from wqsketch import create_sketch
from wqsketch import calculate_quantile
from wqsketch import merge_sketch
import numpy as np
data1 = 2 * np.random.random_sample((100,)) - 1
data2 = data1 + 1
data3 = data1 - 1
sketch1 = create_sketch(data1)
sketch2 = create_sketch(data2)
sketch3 = create_sketch(data3)
sketch1_median = calculate_quantile(0.5, sketch1)
sketch2_median = calculate_quantile(0.5, sketch2)
sketch3_median = calculate_quantile(0.5, sketch3)
merged_sketch = merge_sketch(sketch_list)
merged_sketch_median = calculate_quantile(0.5,merged_sketch)
create_sketch takes 3 arguments: the data vector, alpha, and the weight.
alpha (accuracy of the quantile) defaults to 0.01.
weights default to 1.
merge_sketch takes 1 argument: a list of sketches
calculate_quantile takes 2 arguments: the quantile to calculate and the sketch