This project is an attempt to provide a wrapper around the excellent greenfoot platform.
The goal is to allow developers to use external IDEs like IntelliJ to develop games.
This project doesn't provide as many features as the original greenfoot IDE, but is a nice transition from greenfoot to a professional IDE.
This project isn't supported by any greenfoot team's member and is a personal attempt to allow my son to use IntelliJ IDEA to make his learning easier.
Before you can start using this wrapper, you first need to generate the library to be used in your project. For this you should first checkout this repo and run the command:
$ gradle dist
This will create the file build/libs/greenfoot-runner-dist-3.0.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
which contains all the classes required
to start greenfoot.
Once the runner is built, you can create your own project and add the libs/greenfoot-runner-dist-3.0.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
to the list of dependencies of your project.
I recommend gradle as the build tool chain as it makes it simpler enough to update build dependencies, without getting too much in the way of a young developer.
Once you add the runner lib to your project, you can create your own runner class dedicated to that one project.
You can check an example in the tests of this library by checking the
// 1. Import the file
import bh.greenfoot.runner.GreenfootRunner;
public class MyRunner extends GreenfootRunner {
static {
// 2. Bootstrap the runner class.
// 3. Prepare the configuration for the runner based on the world class
// Set the project name as you wish
.projectName("Catch the hedghogs")
First thing to do is to import the file so it can be extended by your own runner.
Then you need to bootstrap the runner by indicating the GreenfootRunner.mainClass
This will automatically create the instance of the runner when the application is starting.
Lastly you need to indicate the world class used by your project.
You can also configure additional information like project name, but this is optional.
To see what can be configured you can check the GreenfootRunner.Configuration
class for the details.
An example project can be found there: greenfoot-runner-example