The Java2PlantUml project is intended to convert a list of Java files into a class diagram documentation that could be used by PlantUml
Right now the initial version only allows the conversion of simple java classes using the list of private fields defined at the class level.
Just checkout the repository and run from the command line:
mvn install
Once you've built Java2PlantUml you can run it using the following command line:
Once the file is generated you can use the PlantUML jar to convert it into an image:
java -jar plantuml.jar <PATH_OF_THE_GENERATED_FILE>
That's it, you can now look at your nice diagram :)
This program has been hacked in a few hours, so for sure it might not work for everyone, so if you want to contribute your welcome.
Just do a Pull Request and I'll see how to re-integrate :)