Endpoint: POST /api/Blob/upload
Description: Upload an image blob.
Request Body:
- Content-Type:
- image (binary): The image file to upload.
- 200 OK: Upload successful.
Endpoint: DELETE /api/Blob/delete
Description: Delete a blob by URL.
Query Parameters:
- imageUrl (string): URL of the image to delete.
- 200 OK: Deletion successful.
- 400 Bad Request: Invalid request.
- 500 Internal Server Error: Server error.
Endpoint: GET /api/Booking/{bookingId}
Description: Retrieve booking details.
Path Parameters:
- bookingId (UUID, required): ID of the booking.
- 200 OK: Returns
. - 400 Bad Request: Invalid request.
- 404 Not Found: Booking not found.
Endpoint: GET /api/Booking/summary/{bookingId}
Description: Retrieve a summary of booking details.
Path Parameters:
- bookingId (UUID, required): ID of the booking.
- 200 OK: Returns
. - 400 Bad Request: Invalid request.
- 404 Not Found: Booking not found.
Endpoint: GET /api/Booking
Description: Retrieve all bookings for the current user.
- 200 OK: Returns an array of
. - 400 Bad Request: Invalid request.
Endpoint: POST /api/Booking/create
Description: Create a new booking.
Request Body:
- BookingCreateDto:
- title (string, required): Title of the booking.
- startDate (date-time): Start date.
- endDate (date-time): End date.
- imageUrl (string, nullable): Image URL.
- userIds (array, UUID, nullable): Associated user IDs.
- unregUserIds (array, UUID, nullable): Associated unregistered user IDs.
- groupIds (array, UUID, nullable): Associated group IDs.
- 200 OK: Returns
. - 400 Bad Request: Invalid data.
- 500 Internal Server Error: Server error.
Endpoint: PUT /api/Booking/update
Description: Update an existing booking.
Request Body:
- BookingUpdateDto:
- id (UUID, required): Booking ID.
- title (string, nullable): Title.
- startDate (date-time, nullable): Start date.
- endDate (date-time, nullable): End date.
- userIds (array, UUID, nullable): Associated user IDs.
- unregUserIds (array, UUID, nullable): Associated unregistered user IDs.
- groupIds (array, UUID, nullable): Associated group IDs.
- When updating userIds, unregUserIds, or groupIds:
- If the array is empty, all associated entities will be removed.
- If the array is not empty, all associated entities will be replaced.
- If the field is not provided or null, the associated entities will remain unchanged.
- 204 No Content: Update successful.
- 400 Bad Request: Invalid data.
- 404 Not Found: Booking not found.
- 500 Internal Server Error: Server error.
Endpoint: DELETE /api/Booking/{bookingId}
Description: Delete a booking by ID.
Path Parameters:
- bookingId (UUID, required): ID of the booking.
- 204 No Content: Deletion successful.
- 400 Bad Request: Invalid request.
- 404 Not Found: Booking not found.
Endpoint: GET /api/Group/{groupId}
Description: Retrieve group details.
Path Parameters:
- groupId (UUID, required): ID of the group.
- 200 OK: Returns
. - 400 Bad Request: Invalid request.
- 404 Not Found: Group not found.
Endpoint: GET /api/Group
Description: Retrieve all groups associated with the current user.
Path Parameters:
- userId (UUID, required): User ID.
- 200 OK: Returns an array of
. - 400 Bad Request: Invalid request.
Endpoint: POST /api/Group/create
Description: Create a new group.
Request Body:
- GroupCreateDto:
- name (string, required): Name of the group.
- userIds (array, UUID, nullable): Associated user IDs.
- unregUserIds (array, UUID, nullable): Associated unregistered user IDs.
- 201 Created: Group created successfully.
- 400 Bad Request: Invalid data.
- 500 Internal Server Error: Server error.
Endpoint: PUT /api/Group/update
Description: Update group details.
Request Body:
- GroupUpdateDto:
- id (UUID, required): Group ID.
- name (string, nullable): Group name.
- userIds (array, UUID, nullable): User IDs.
- unregUserIds (array, UUID, nullable): Unregistered user IDs.
- 204 No Content: Update successful.
- 400 Bad Request: Invalid data.
- 404 Not Found: Group not found.
- 500 Internal Server Error: Server error.
Endpoint: DELETE /api/Group/{groupId}
Description: Delete a group by ID.
Path Parameters:
- groupId (UUID, required): ID of the group.
- 204 No Content: Deletion successful.
- 404 Not Found: Group not found.
- 500 Internal Server Error: Server error.
Endpoint: GET /api/Ticket/{ticketId}
Description: Retrieve ticket details.
Path Parameters:
- ticketId (UUID, required): Ticket ID.
- 200 OK: Returns
. - 400 Bad Request: Invalid request.
- 404 Not Found: Ticket not found.
Endpoint: GET /api/Ticket/booking/{bookingId}
Description: Retrieve tickets associated with a booking.
Path Parameters:
- bookingId (UUID, required): Booking ID.
- 200 OK: Returns an array of
. - 400 Bad Request: Invalid request.
Endpoint: POST /api/Ticket/create
Description: Create a new ticket.
Request Body:
- TicketCreateDto:
- title (string, required): Title.
- category (string, required): Category.
- startDate (date-time): Start date.
- endDate (date-time): End date.
- price (integer, nullable): Price.
- imageUrl (string, nullable): Image URL.
- purchasedBy (UUID, nullable): User ID of purchaser.
- assignedUserId (UUID, nullable, required*): User ID of assigned user.
- assignedUnregUserId (UUID, nullable, required*): Unregistered user ID.
- bookingId (UUID, required): Associated booking ID.
- Either assignedUserId or assignedUnregUserId must be provided. But never both.
- 201 Created: Returns
. - 400 Bad Request: Invalid data.
- 500 Internal Server Error: Server error.
Endpoint: PUT /api/Ticket/update
Description: Update an existing ticket.
Request Body:
- TicketUpdateDto:
- id (UUID, required): Ticket ID.
- title (string, nullable): Title.
- category (string, nullable): Category.
- startDate (date-time, nullable): Start date.
- endDate (date-time, nullable): End date.
- purchaseDate (date-time, nullable): Purchase date.
- price (integer, nullable): Price.
- imageUrl (string, nullable): Image URL.
- purchasedBy (UUID, nullable): User ID of purchaser.
- assignedUserId (UUID, nullable): User ID of assigned user.
- assignedUnregUserId (UUID, nullable): UnregUser ID for assigned unregistered user.
- Either assignedUserId or assignedUnregUserId can be provided. But never both.
- 204 No Content: Update successful.
- 400 Bad Request: Invalid data.
- 404 Not Found: Ticket not found.
- 500 Internal Server Error: Server error.
Endpoint: DELETE /api/Ticket/{ticketId}
Description: Delete a ticket by ID.
Path Parameters:
- ticketId (UUID, required): Ticket ID.
- 204 No Content: Deletion successful.
- 404 Not Found: Ticket not found.
- 500 Internal Server Error: Server error.
Endpoint: GET /api/User
Description: Retrieve a list of all users.
- 200 OK: Returns an array of
. - 400 Bad Request: Invalid request.
Endpoint: GET /api/User/{userId}
Description: Retrieve user details.
Path Parameters:
- userId (UUID, required): User ID.
- 200 OK: Returns
. - 400 Bad Request: Invalid request.
- 404 Not Found: User not found.
Endpoint: POST /api/User/create
Description: Create a new user.
Request Body:
- UserCreateDto:
- name (string, required): Name.
- email (string, required): Email.
- phone (string, nullable): Phone.
- Only to be used in a POST call after a new user registers (to Entra ID).
- 201 Created: User created successfully.
- 400 Bad Request: Invalid data.
- 409 Conflict: User already exists.
- 500 Internal Server Error: Server error.
Endpoint: PUT /api/User/update
Description: Update user details. ID is retrieved from the token.
Request Body:
- UserUpdateDto:
- name (string, nullable): Name.
- phone (string, nullable): Phone.
- imageUrl (string, nullable): Image URL.
- 204 No Content: Update successful.
- 400 Bad Request: Invalid data.
- 404 Not Found: User not found.
- 500 Internal Server Error: Server error.
Endpoint: GET /api/UnregUser/{unregUserId}
Description: Retrieve details of an unregistered user.
Path Parameters:
- unregUserId (UUID, required): Unregistered user ID.
- 200 OK: Returns
. - 404 Not Found: Unregistered user not found.
Endpoint: GET /api/UnregUser/user/{userId}
Description: Get unregistered users associated with a user.
Path Parameters:
- userId (UUID, required): User ID.
- 200 OK: Returns an array of
. - 404 Not Found: No unregistered users found.
Endpoint: POST /api/UnregUser/create
Description: Create a new unregistered user. Creator ID is retrieved from the token.
Request Body:
- UnregUserCreateDto:
- name (string, required): Name.
- 201 Created: User created successfully.
- 500 Internal Server Error: Server error.
Endpoint: DELETE /api/UnregUser/{unregUserId}
Description: Delete an unregistered user.
Path Parameters:
- unregUserId (UUID, required): Unregistered user ID.
- 204 No Content: Deletion successful.
- 404 Not Found: Unregistered user not found.
"id": "string (UUID)",
"title": "string",
"startDate": "string (DateTimeOffset)",
"endDate": "string (DateTimeOffset)",
"imageUrl": "string (nullable)",
"createdBy": {
"id": "string (UUID)",
"name": "string",
"email": "string",
"phone": "string (nullable)",
"imageUrl": "string (nullable)"
"users": [
"id": "string (UUID)",
"name": "string",
"email": "string",
"phone": "string (nullable)",
"imageUrl": "string (nullable)"
"unregUsers": [
"id": "string (UUID)",
"name": "string",
"createdBy": "string (UUID)"
"groups": [
"id": "string (UUID)",
"name": "string",
"createdBy": "string (UUID)",
"users": [
"id": "string (UUID)",
"name": "string",
"email": "string",
"phone": "string (nullable)",
"imageUrl": "string (nullable)"
"unregUsers": [
"id": "string (UUID)",
"name": "string",
"createdBy": "string (UUID)"
"tickets": [
"id": "string (UUID)",
"title": "string",
"category": "string",
"startDate": "string (DateTimeOffset)",
"endDate": "string (DateTimeOffset)",
"price": "number (nullable)",
"imageUrl": "string (nullable)",
"purchasedBy": "string (UUID, nullable)",
"assignedUserId": "string (UUID, nullable)",
"assignedUnregUserId": "string (UUID, nullable)",
"bookingId": "string (UUID)"
"id": "string (UUID)",
"title": "string",
"startDate": "string (DateTimeOffset)",
"endDate": "string (DateTimeOffset)",
"imageUrl": "string (nullable)"
"id": "string (UUID)",
"name": "string",
"createdBy": "string (UUID)",
"users": [
"id": "string (UUID)",
"name": "string",
"email": "string",
"phone": "string (nullable)",
"imageUrl": "string (nullable)"
"unregUsers": [
"id": "string (UUID)",
"name": "string",
"createdBy": "string (UUID)"
"id": "string (UUID)",
"title": "string",
"category": "string",
"startDate": "string (DateTimeOffset)",
"endDate": "string (DateTimeOffset)",
"purchaseDate": "string (DateTimeOffset, nullable)",
"price": "number (integer, nullable)",
"imageUrl": "string (nullable)",
"purchasedBy": {
"id": "string (UUID)",
"name": "string",
"email": "string",
"phone": "string (nullable)",
"imageUrl": "string (nullable)"
"assignedUser": {
"id": "string (UUID)",
"name": "string",
"email": "string",
"phone": "string (nullable)",
"imageUrl": "string (nullable)"
"assignedUnregUser": {
"id": "string (UUID)",
"name": "string",
"createdBy": "string (UUID)"
"bookingId": "string (UUID)"
"id": "string (UUID)",
"name": "string",
"email": "string",
"phone": "string (nullable)",
"imageUrl": "string (nullable)"
"id": "string (UUID)",
"name": "string",
"createdBy": "string (UUID)"