- source code of blog.geekcity.tech
- open with vscode which contains .devcontainer
- dev mode with gradlew
# you should kill the process by command `kill` # find the process with command `ps aux | grep vuepress` # Ctrl + C is just kills the gradle process, not the node process ./gradlew :docs:dev
- dev mode with docker
podman run --rm \ -p 8080:8080 \ -v $(pwd)/docs:/app \ --workdir /app \ -it docker.io/library/node:21.4.0-alpine sh -c 'npm install && npm run dev'
- build and host with container
podman build --ulimit nofile=4096:4096 -f docs/Dockerfile -t blog-docs . podman run --rm -p 8080:8080 -d localhost/blog-docs