wikinamer is a command line tool for unix based operating systems to update filenames in a directory of a tv show using a wikipedia URL of the list of episodes of the desired show
Default format: S0xE0x Episode Name
$ sudo apt-get install pip
$ pip install bs4
$ pip install urllib5
$ git clone
$ bash /path-to-directory/wikinamer/wikinamer [Path to Directory Where File Names Should Be Changed]
What season number are the episodes in this directory apart of?
$ Enter season number:
Check the listing of episodes on the wikipedia page. Enter the number in the first column of the first episode you want in your list.
$ Enter episode number to start at:
Copy and paste and the wikipedia URL with the episode listing here
$ Enter sauce:
Some episodes on wikipedia listings are listed as 13.5. In such instances, the episode names and numbers after this event will be off by one.