This is the base for my ESP32 projects.
It contains the basic functionalities needed in setup()
and main()
Define basic features in setup.h
Setup WiFi credentials (if not using WiFiManager or SmartConfig) in connect.cpp
// Uncomment if the serial debug output is required
#define ENA_DEBUG
// Uncomment if the module has a display connected
#define HAS_TFT
// Select one WiFi connection mode
// If changes to the standard are needed change in
// connect.cpp
// #define CONNDIRECT // connect with pre-defined SSID and password
#define CONNWIFIMANAGER // connect using the WiFiManager
// #define CONNSMARTCONFIG // connect using SmartConfig
// Fill these with your WiFi AP credentials
/** Predefined SSID used for WiFi connection */
const char *ssid = "YOUR_NETWORK_SSID_HERE";
/** Predefined password used for WiFi connection */
const char *password = "YOUR_NETWORK_PASSWORD_HERE";
// Give the board a type and an ID
/** Module type used for mDNS */
const char* MODULTYPE = "type=TestBoard"; // e.g. aircon, light, TestBoard, ...
/** Module id used for mDNS */
const char* MODULID = "id=ESP32-Test"; // e.g. ac1, lb1, ESP32-Test, ...
/** mDNS and Access point name */
char apName[] = "ESP32-Test-xxxxxx";
/** Index to add module ID to apName */
int apIndex = 11; // position of first x in apName[]
This base projects requires 4 additional libraries.
ESP32-MyLib is work in progress, check it for the current status.
Following are needed if WiFiManager is used to setup WiFi AP and credentials via portal
These libraries can be installed in two ways:
Download the libraries and manually copy them to correct folders.
In platformio.ini add or uncomment the following lines:
lib_deps =
On my ESP8266 I use tzapu's WiFiManager library. But right now this library is not working with ESP32 because of missing WebServer and DNSServer for ESP32.
For the time being I am using zhouhan0126 WIFIMANAGER-ESP32, '' and ''.