It's a Ruby on Rails plugin that provides helpers that take some of the boilerplate out of generating HTML for use with jQuery UI.
Helps generate HTML for use with the jQuery UI Tabs plugin. (Examples are in HAML.
- ui_tabs do |widget|
-'tab_one', 'Tab 1') do
Tab contents
-'tab_two', 'Tab 2') do
Tab contents
The above will generate this HTML in your view:
<div id="tabs">
<li><a href="#tab_one"><span>Tab 1</span></a></li>
<li><a href="#tab_two"><span>Tab 2</span></a></li>
<div id="tab_one">
Tab contents
<div id="tab_two">
Tab contents
Tabs will be rendered in the order you create them.
You can pass HTML options to either the parent DIV or any individual tab's DIV as you like ...
- ui_tabs :html => { :id => 'special_tabs', :class => 'zippy' } do |tab|
- 'tab_one', 'Tab 1', :html => { :style => 'background: #FFF' } do
Tab contents
The default DOM ID for the parent div is ... id="tabs" ... unless you pass in an HTML option with a different value.
Options for jQuery UI widgets will be passed in via a :ui parameter, but this isn't supported yet.
Helps generate HTML for use with the jQuery UI Accordion widget. (Examples are in HAML.
Usage is identical to the Tabs helper.
- ui_accordion do |widget|
- widget.pane('accordion_one', 'Accordion 1') do
Accordion contents
- widget.pane('accordion_two', 'Accordion 2') do
Accordion contents
The above will generate this HTML in your view:
<div id="accordion">
<h3>Accordion 1</h3>
<div id="accordion_one">
Accordion contents
<h3>Accordion 2</h3>
<div id="accordion_two">
Accordion contents
Helps generate HTML for use with the jQuery UI Dialog widget. (Examples are in HAML.
- ui_dialog :html => { :id => 'my_dialog', :title => 'Dialog Title' } do |widget|
Dialog contents
The above will generate this HTML in your view:
<div id="my_dialog" title="Dialog Title">
Dialog contents
Which you'll then work with in Javascript by the id:
By default, dialogs will be set with "autoOpen: false". In its current form, what the dialog helper offers is perhaps not terribly useful in itself. When :ui parameters are supported, it ought to come into its own!
Helps generate HTML for use with the jQuery UI Autocomplete widget. (Examples are in HAML.
- ui_autocomplete
The above will generate this HTML in your view:
<div id="autocomplete">
<input type="text" />
You can pass your own form field and other html in a block, but you should be sure to include an input of type text, as that's what the generated Javascript looks for.
- ui_autocomplete :html => { :id => 'my_autocomplete' } do
= text_field :post
The above will generate this HTML in your view:
<div id="my_autocomplete">
<input type="text" name="post" id="post" />
By default, Javascript for the generated HTML is saved via content_for to the identifier :jquery_ui_helpers. You can specify a custom identifier with the parameter :script_for
- ui_tabs :script_for => :scripts do |widget|
You'll output that, at the bottom of the page beneath where you load jQuery, using:
= yield :jquery_ui_helpers
There's stub support for progressbar and slider, though for them to have any real use, support for the :ui parameter will need to be implemented. Autocomplete support is planned as well, but the button widget? Seems like there might not be any advantage to generating it with a helper. :)