A DNS-SD to HTTP bridging service.
This API provides a zeroconf/HTTP bridge for NMOS service types. The API will present itself at http://localhost:12352/x-ipstudio/mdnsbridge/v1.0/.
- Linux (untested on Windows and Mac)
- Python 2.7
- Python Pip
- NMOS Common
# Install Python setuptools
$ pip install setuptools
# Install the library
$ sudo python setup.py install
The mDNS Bridge makes use of a configuration file provided by the NMOS Common Library. Please see that repository for configuration details.
On systems using systemd for service management (e.g Ubuntu >= 16.04) mdnsbridge may be run as a service. To enable the service create a symbolic link and start the service as follows:
sudo ln -s /lib/systemd/system/mdnsbridge.service /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/mdnsbridge.service
sudo systemctl start mdnsbridge
Alternatively mdnsbridge may be run from a Python script. Run the following script to start the mDNS Brdige in a non-blocking manner, and then stop it again at a later point:
from mdnsbridge.mdnsbridgeservice import mDNSBridgeService
service = mDNSBridgeService()
# Do something else until ready to stop
It is also possible to run mDNS Bridge in a blocking manner:
from mdnsbridge.mdnsbridgeservice import mDNSBridgeService
service = mDNSBridgeService()
service.run() # Runs forever
# Run the tests
$ make test
Packaging files are provided for internal BBC R&D use. These packages depend on packages only available from BBC R&D internal mirrors, and may not work in other environments. For use outside the BBC please use python installation method.
# Debian packaging
$ make deb
# RPM packaging
$ make rpm
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Please ensure you have run the test suite before submitting a Pull Request, and include a version bump in line with our Versioning policy.