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A console application to view chat history at varying levels of time-based aggregation.


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A console application to view chat history at varying levels of time-based aggregation.

Design principles used

  • SOLID Principles
    • Single-responsibility (SRP) - A class should have one and only one reason to change, meaning that a class should have only one job.
    • Open-closed (OCP) - Objects or entities should be open for extension but closed for modification.
    • Liskov Substitution (LSP) - Objects of a superclass shall be replaceable with objects of its subclasses without changing the behavior of the application.
    • Interface segregation (ISP) - A client should never be forced to implement an interface that it doesn’t use, or clients shouldn’t be forced to depend on methods they do not use.
    • Dependency inversion (DIP) - Entities must depend on abstractions, not on concretions. It states that the high-level module must not depend on the low-level module, but they should depend on abstractions.


  • .NET6.0
  • Ensure.That - 10.1.0
  • Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection - 7.0.0
  • Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Console - 6.0.0

Clone the repository

  1. git clone

To run the console application

  1. cd PowerDiaryChallengeApp
  2. dotnet restore
  3. dotnet build PowerDiaryChallengeApp.sln
  4. dotnet publish -p:PublishProfile=FolderProfile
  5. cd PowerDiaryChallenge\bin\Debug\net6.0\publish
  6. PowerDiaryChallenge.exe

To run unit tests

  1. cd PowerDiaryChallengeApp
  2. dotnet restore
  3. dotnet test PowerDiaryChallenge.UnitTests\PowerDiaryChallenge.UnitTests.csproj

Project structure

Project Directory File name Description
1. PowerDiaryChallenge - ChatEventViewerApp.cs Contains an application class to view chat history.
2. IChatEventViewerApp.cs Contains an application interface to view chat history.
3. Program.cs Contains the main entry to start the application.
4. Enums EventTypeEnum.cs Contains event type enums to represent message event types.
5. GranularityEnum.cs Contains granularity enums to represent an "aggregation level".
6. Helpers Constants.cs Contains constants.
7. DataHandler.cs Contains a data handler class to generate a list of messages.
8. IDataHandler.cs Contains a data handler interface to generate a list of messages.
9. Logics IAggregation.cs Contains a aggregation interface to aggregate chat history based on a time-based granularity.
10. AggregationHourly.cs Contains an aggregation class to aggregate chat history hourly.
10. AggregationMinutely.cs Contains an aggregation class to aggregate chat history minutely.
11. Models IMessage.cs Contains a model interface to store a message.
12. Message.cs Contains a model class to store a message.
12. Utils AggregationUtil.cs Contains a class which provides utility functions.
13. PowerDiaryChallenge .UnitTests Helpers TestDataLoader.cs Contains a helper function to load messages for a test run.
14. Logics MessageHistoryManagerTests.cs Contains unit tests for MessageHistoryManager.

Area of improvements

In terms of design:

  • To segregate MessageHistoryManager class into different aggregate classes.
  • To add async.
  • To add events and delegate.
  • To add multi-threads.

In terms of data access components:

  • Adds ORM functionality. (EF, Dapper, or ADO.NET).
  • Read from files.

In terms of functionalities:

  • Add different views like Yearly, Monthly, Daily, and Minutely or Hourly for a particular day.

In terms of UI clients:

  • Adds a single-page application (SPA) UI using front-end frameworks like React UI or mobile.


A console application to view chat history at varying levels of time-based aggregation.







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