pyfongo is an in-process library that implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, mongodb database engine with pymongo's interface.
Inspired by pymongo and sqlite.
Written for Python 3.6.
- unit testing of apps that use mongodb
- stand-in for mongodb during demos and testing
- as application file format
- data analysis using mongodb queries
- temporary database for reorganizing data
- in embedded systems
>>> import pyfongo
>>> cx = pyfongo.FongoClient('/path/to/datadir')
>>> db = cx.test
>>> db.my_collection.insert_one({'x': 10}).inserted_id
>>> db.my_collection.insert_one({'x': 12}).inserted_id
>>> db.my_collection.find_one()
{'x': 10, '_id': ObjectId('5aded7ff7aea217b9056e9d0')}
>>> for item in db.my_collection.find().sort('x', -1):
... print(item['x'])
The same tests are run against both pyfongo and a local mongodb server using pymongo to ensure that pyfongo mimics mongodb/pymongo's behavior correctly.
Run the tests with: pipenv run pytest -sv
Note that you will need to run pipenv install --dev
once before you can
run the tests.