Experienced Full Stack Software Developer based in Sofia, Bulgaria with 10+ years of experience. Equipped with a diverse and promising skill-set. Proficient in various programming languages.
Visit my personal website for more info: https://www.bashcole.com
You can check out the following repositories/projects:
- https://github.com/bashcole/spendee Stack: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB
- https://github.com/bashcole/spendee-client Stack: React.js, Next.js, Typescript
- https://github.com/bashcole/spendee-laravel Stack: Laravel, MySQL
Coin tracker (Get notified when the price drops, don't miss the chance of becoming a gazillionaire!)
- https://github.com/bashcole/coin-tracker-vue Stack: Vue.js, Typescript
- https://github.com/bashcole/coin-tracker-react Stack: React.js, Next.js, Typescript
- https://github.com/bashcole/coin-tracker Stack: Laravel, MySQL
- https://github.com/bashcole/bingo Stack: React.js, Typescript, Cypress for tests
- https://github.com/bashcole/bingo-api Stack: Laravel, MySQL