Hi! Let's start by getting this code downloaded to you machine.
Open up the program called: Git Bash
Once you open it, you'll be looking at a terminal. Go ahead and make a new folder and use it as your working directory with the following commands: mkdir github cd github
Text me when you have that ready or if you have problems :)
👉 NEXT COMMAND: git clone https://github.com/barreraalexander/icecream.git
👉 Next set of steps:
- download vs code: https://code.visualstudio.com/
- if you still have git bash open, close it and reopen it (after you have completely install vscode)
- go back to the repository with the commands
cd github
, thencd icecream
. - type pwd and make sure your working directory is icecream (our repository)
- type the command
code .
- vscode should automatically open, if it doesn't, get just have to do some configuring.
- let me know if you have any problems :)
👉 Next set of steps(1/5/23 3:51pm):
- go back into the terminal, we're going to play around with git, so that you no longer have to visit this webpage. You can type some commands, and your machine will pull the changes that I made to the README.md
- In vscode, take a look at the README.md. Note that it's an older version of this README.md file, and it won't have these instructions.
- Go back into the gitbash terminal, and with /icecream as your working directory type this command:
git pull
git pull
is going to pull the updated code. From then on, you won't need to come to this webpage, just type the command :)- Text me when you get that far!
👉 Next set of steps(1/9/23 7:06pm):
- first thing you're going to do is open up git bash.
- cd into the location of our project:
cd github/icecream
- open vs code at this location with the command
code .
- without leaving git bash, pull the latest version of the code. You should see an html file, css file, and js file.