This application will be built using "Go" for the server-side and "React" for the client-side.
- Sign Up, Sign In, and Sign Out
- Setup role for Administrator, Merchant, and User
- CRUD for product's categories and sub categories
- ....
The application runs as an HTTP server at port 3000.
npm start
This project uses Glide as this project's package management. So, run these following commands:
# install glide (a vendoring and dependency management tool), if you don't have it yet
go get -u
# fetch the dependent packages
cd $GOPATH/bagongkia/e-commerce
make depends # or "glide up"
Create a PostgreSQL database by executing the SQL statements given in the file testdata/db.sql
Default database connection information:
- database_name : ecommerce
- username : postgres
- password : postgres
For different connection, you may modify file models/db.go
Build and run the application by running these following commands:
go run server.go
The application runs as an HTTP server at port 9090: http://localhost:9090/item-categories