Backbone.js extension to dislpay banner ads from Google AdSense
Using Bower:
bower install backbone.api.adsense
The plugin exposes an Adsense
object in the global namespace.
First set the publisher id - only needed to be set once per page load:
id: "pub-1234567890"
After that you may instantiate banners in any container, as needed. You can use the generic Adsense.Ads.Banner
in which you'll need to specify the dimensions, or use one of the views, available for the main banner types, for example:
new Adsense.Ads.Leaderboard({
el: "#my-banner-container",
id: "1234567890"
If no el
is defined it will fallback to any container that has a class of banner
For more insights on the options and a detailed list of available banners/views please visit the wiki:
Samples available in this repo's examples
Created by Makis Tracend ( @tracend )
Distributed through
Released under the MIT license