Repository containing code to control Dynamixel motor(s) (12A - Tested) with OpenRB-150 Controller. The software is designed in a way to prevent occurence of the overcurrent in the Dynamixels and enable slippage detection.
- Download Arduino IDE (do not use Ubuntu software manager!).
- Open the IDE, go to
and add the below line to theAdditional Boards Manager URLs
- Download libraries for Arduino IDE (Tools->Manage Libraries):
- Arduino SAMD Board Manager
- OpenRB-150
- Dynamixel2Arduino
- CircularBuffer
- Arduino_JSON
- Open file
in theopenrb_150_controller
directory, compile it and upload on the microcontroller.
- Please follow the guide here.
- Setup video can be found here.
- For setting the baudrate here.
- Connection diagram:
- A Molex-JST convertible cable is required to connect the Dynamixel to the OpenRB-150 board.
- For configuring the motors using Dynamixed Wizard 2.0, you can use the same setup and connect the USB cable to the computer.
Note: Please make sure to set the Jumper on the OpenRB-150 board to 12V as highlighted in the above image. Otherwise, the motor will not work.
- ID's: 1, 2
- Baudrate: 9600
- Operating mode: Position control
- Inpt voltage: 12V
- Connect the USB cable to the microcontroller and the computer.
- Select the Board (OpenRB-150) and Port (e.g. /dev/ttyACM0) in the Arduino IDE (Tools->Board, Tools->Port)
- Open the serial monitor in the Arduino IDE (Tools->Serial Monitor) and set the baudrate to 9600.
- You can see the feedback from the microcontroller in the serial monitor like:
gripper_command: 0.00 curr_pos: 448 new_pos: 450 change_state: 0 {"state":"GRIPPER_OPEN","parsing_error":0,"last_command":0,"left_gripper_pos":129,"right_gripper_pos":166,"diff_encoders":-37}
- In the Message input window, you can send commands to control the gripper position:
{"command": 0.0}
- open the gripper{"command": 1.0}
- close the gripper- You can also send the command to set the gripper position in the range [0.0, 1.0] (0.0 - open, 1.0 - close):
{"command": 0.5}
- If you want to further open the gripper, you can send command in the range [-1.5, 1.0]:
{"command": -1.0}
- For the ROS interface, please check the script at mas_industrial_robotics