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IMPORTANT: DevOps Kit (AzSK) is being sunset by end of FY21. More details here

The Secure DevOps Kit for Azure (AzSK) was created by the Core Services Engineering & Operations (CSEO) division at Microsoft, to help accelerate Microsoft IT's adoption of Azure. We have shared AzSK and its documentation with the community to provide guidance for rapidly scanning, deploying and operationalizing cloud resources, across the different stages of DevOps, while maintaining controls on security and governance.
AzSK is not an official Microsoft product – rather an attempt to share Microsoft CSEO's best practices with the community..

Customizing AzSK for your organization


When and why should I setup org policy

When you run any scan command from the AzSK, it relies on JSON-based policy files to determine various parameters that effect the behavior of the command it is about to run. These policy files are downloaded 'on the fly' from a policy server. When you run the public version of the toolkit, the policy files are accessed from a CDN endpoint that is managed by the AzSK team. Thus, whenever you run a scan from a vanilla installation, AzSK accesses the CDN endpoint to get the latest policy configuration and runs the scan using it.

The JSON inside the policy files dictate the behavior of the security scan. This includes things such as:

  • Which set of controls to evaluate?
  • What control set to use as a baseline?
  • What settings/values to use for individual controls?
  • What messages to display for recommendations? Etc.

Note that the policy files needed for security scans are downloaded into each PS session for all AzSK scenarios. That is, apart from manually-run scans from your desktop, this same behavior happens if you include the AzSK SVTs Release Task in your CICD pipeline or if you setup Continuous Assurance. Also, the AzSK policy files on the CDN are based on what we use internally in Core Services Engineering and Operations (CSEO) at Microsoft. We also keep them up to date from one release to next.

While the out-of-box files on CDN may be good for limited use, in many contexts you may want to "customize" the behavior of the security scans for your environment. You may want to do things such as: (a) enable/disable some controls, (b) change control settings to better match specific security policies within your org, (c) change various messages, (d) add additional filter criteria for certain regulatory requirements that teams in your org can leverage, etc. When faced with such a need, you need a way to create and manage a dedicated policy endpoint customized to the needs of your environment. The organization policy setup feature helps you do that in an automated fashion.

In this document, we will look at how to setup an organization-specific policy endpoint, how to make changes to and manage the policy files and how to accomplish various common org-specific policy/behavior customizations for the AzSK.

How does AzSK use online policy?

Let us look at how policy files are leveraged in a little more detail.

When you install AzSK, it downloads the latest AzSK module from the PS Gallery. Along with this module there is an offline set of policy files that go in a sub-folder under the %userprofile%\documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\AzSK<version> folder. It also places (or updates) an AzSKSettings.JSON file in your %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\AzSK folder that contains the policy endpoint (or policy server) URL that is used by all local commands.

Whenever any command is run, AzSK uses the policy server URL to access the policy endpoint. It first downloads a 'metadata' file that contains information about what other files are available on the policy server. After that, whenever AzSK needs a specific policy file to actually perform a scan, it loads the local copy of the policy file into memory and 'overlays' any settings if the corresponding file was also found on the server-side.

It then accesses the policy to download a 'metadata' file that helps it determine the actual policy files list that is present on the server. Thereafter, the scan runs by overlaying the settings obtained from the server with the ones that are available in the local installation module folder. This means that if there hasn't been anything overridden for a specific feature (e.g., Storage), then it won't find a policy file for that listed in the server metadata file and the local policy file for that feature will get used.

The image below shows this flow with inline explanations:

Effective org Policy Evaluation

Setting up org policy

What happens during org policy setup?

At a high level, the org policy setup support for AzSK does the following:

  • Sets up a storage account to hold various policy artifacts in the subscription you want to use for hosting your policy endpoint. (This should be a secure, limited-access subscription to be used only for managing your org's AzSK policy.)
  • Uploads the minimum set of policy files required to bootstrap your policy server.
  • Sets up an Application Insights telemetry account in the subscription so as to facilitate visibility of control scan/telemetry events in your central subscription. (This is where control 'pass/fail' events will get sent when other people in the org start using the version of AzSK customized for your org.)
  • Creates a special folder (or uses one specified by you) for storing a local copy of all customizations made to policy.
  • Creates an org-specific (customized) installer that others in your org will use to install and configure the AzSK per your org's policy.

Let us now look at the command that will help with the above and a few examples…

The org policy setup command (Install-AzSKOrganizationPolicy)

This command helps the central security team of an organization to customize the behavior of various functions and security controls checked by AzSK.

As discussed in previous sections, AzSK runtime behavior is mainly controlled through JSON-based policy files which have a predefined schema. The command helps in creating a policy store and other required components to host and maintain a custom set of policy files that override the default AzSK behavior.

Parameter Description Required? Default Value Comments
SubscriptionId Subscription ID of the Azure subscription in which organization policy store will be created. Yes None
OrgName The name of your organization. The value will be used to generate names of Azure resources being created as part of policy setup. This should be alphanumeric. Yes None
DepartmentName The name of a department in your organization. If provided, this value is concatenated to the org name parameter. This should be alphanumeric. No None
PolicyFolderPath The local folder in which the policy files capturing org-specific changes will be stored for reference. This location can be used to manage policy files. No User Desktop
ResourceGroupLocation The location in which the Azure resources for hosting the policy will be created. No EastUS2 To obtain valid locations, use Get-AzLocation cmdlet
ResourceGroupName Resource Group name where policy resources will be created. No AzSK-<OrgName>-<DepName>-RG Custom resource group name for storing policy resources. Note: ResourceGroupName, StorageAccountName and AppInsightName must be passed together to create custom resources. The same parameters must be used to update org policy.
StorageAccountName Name for policy storage account No azsk-<OrgName>-<DepName>-sa
AppInsightName Name for application insight resource where telemetry data will be pushed No AzSK-<OrgName>--AppInsight
AppInsightLocation The location in which the AppInsightLocation resource will be created. No EastUS

First-time policy setup - an example

The following example will set up policies for IT department of Contoso organization.

You must be an 'Owner' or 'Contributor' for the subscription in which you want to host your org's policy artifacts. Also, make sure that that the org name and dept name are purely alphanumeric and their combined length is less than 19 characters. The policy setup command is fairly lightweight - both in terms of effort/time and in terms of costs incurred.

Install-AzSKOrganizationPolicy -SubscriptionId <SubscriptionId> `
           -OrgName "Contoso" `
           -DepartmentName "IT" `
           -PolicyFolderPath "D:\ContosoPolicies"

Note: For Azure environments other than Azure Cloud (like Azure Gov, China etc.), don't forget to provide ResourceGroupLocation as the default value won't work in those environments.

The execution of command will create following resources in the subscription (if they don't already exist):

  1. Resource Group (AzSK-Contoso-IT-RG) - AzSK-<OrgName>-<DepartmentName>-RG.
  2. Storage Account (azskcontosoitsa) - azsk<OrgName><DepartmentName>sa.
  3. Application Insight (AzSK-Contoso-IT-AppInsight) - AzSK-<OrgName>-<DepartmentName>-AppInsight.
  4. Monitoring dashboard (DevOpsKitMonitoring (DevOps Kit Monitoring Dashboard [Contoso-IT]))

Note: You must not have any other resources than created by setup command in org policy resource group.

It will also create a very basic 'customized' policy involving below files uploaded to the policy storage account.

Basic files setup during Policy Setup
File Container Description
AzSK-EasyInstaller.ps1 installer Org-specific installation script. This installer will ensure that anyone who installs AzSK using your 'iwr' command not only gets the core AzSK module but their local installation of AzSK is also configured to use org-specific policy settings (e.g., policy server URL, telemetry key, etc.) IMPORTANT: Make sure anyone in your org who needs to scan according to your policies uses the above 'iwr' command to install AzSK. (They should not use 'install-module AzSK' directly. Anyone using an incorrect setup will not get your custom policy when they run any AzSK cmdlet.
AzSK.Pre.json policies This file contains a setting that controls/defines the AzSK version that is 'in effect' at an organization. An org can use this file to specify the specific version of AzSK that will get used in SDL/CICD/CA scenarios at the org for people who have used the org-specific 'iwr' to install and configure AzSK.

Note: During first time policy setup, this value is set with AzSK version available on the client machine that was used for policy creation. Whenever a new AzSK version is released, the org policy owner should update the AzSK version in this file with the latest released version after performing any compatibility tests in a test setup.
You can get notified of new releases by following the AzSK module in PowerShell Gallery or release notes section here.
RunbookCoreSetup.ps1 policies Used in Continuous Assurance to setup AzSK module
RunbookScanAgent.ps1 policies Used in Continuous Assurance to run daily scan
AzSk.json policies Includes org-specific message, telemetry key, InstallationCommand, CASetupRunbookURL etc.
ServerConfigMetadata.json policies Index file with list of policy files.

Output of command looks like below

Effective org Policy Evaluation

If you note section 3 of the command output , an 'iwr' command line is printed to the console. This command leverages the org-specific installation script from the storage account for installing AzSK. You can run this IWR followed by some scan commands (GSS/GRS) to see org policy in effect in your dev box.

#IWR to install org specific configurations
iwr '' -UseBasicParsing | iex

#Subscription Scan with org policy
Get-AzSKSubscriptionSecurityStatus -SubscriptionId <SubId>


Effective org Policy Evaluation

Next Steps:

Once your org policy is setup, all scenarios/use cases of AzSK should work seamlessly with your org policy server as the policy endpoint for your org (instead of the default CDN endpoint). Basically, you should be able to do one or more of the following using AzSK:

  • People will be able to install AzSK using your special org-specific installer (the 'iwr' install command)
  • Developers will be able to run manual scans for security of their subscriptions and resources (GRS, GSS commands)
  • Teams will be able to configure the AzSK SVT release task in their CICD pipelines
  • Subscription owners will be able to setup Continuous Assurance (CA) from their local machines (after they've installed AzSK using your org-specific 'iwr' installer locally)
  • Monitoring teams will be able to setup AzSK Log Analytics view and see scan results from CA (and also manual scans and CICD if configured)
  • You will be able to do central governance for your org by leveraging telemetry events that will collect in the master subscription from all the AzSK activity across your org.

Consuming custom org policy

Running scan with custom org policy is supported from all three avenues of AzSK viz. local scan (SDL), continuous assurance setup and CICD SVT task. Follow the steps below for the same:

1. Running scan in local machine with custom org policy

To run scan with custom org policy from any machine, get IWR cmdlet from org policy owner. This IWR is generated at the time of policy setup (IOP) or policy update (UOP) in the following format

#Sample IWR to install org specific configurations
iwr '' -UseBasicParsing | iex

#Run subscription scan cmdlet and validate if it is running with org policy
Get-AzSKSubscriptionSecurityStatus -SubscriptionId <SubId>

This step is pre-requisite for the other two scan methods.

2. Setup Continuous Assurance

Setting up CA with org policy is pretty simple. Once you have followed the first step i.e. running iwr in local machine, you can run CA setup with the help of doc here. CA setup command will refer policy setting from your local machine and configure it in automation runbook. For existing CA, you just need to run Update-AzSKContinuousAssurance in your local.

You can validate if CA is running with custom org policy, via the options below:

Option 1:

Go to central CA resource group --> automation account --> Jobs --> Open one of the completed jobs --> It prints initials of PolicyStoreURL (Policy Store URL is nothing but org policy storage account blob url)

AzSK org policy check using runbook

Option 2:

i) Download latest AzSK Scan logs stored in storage account (inside AzSKRG)

AzSK Scan Logs

ii) Open PowerShellOutput.log file under etc folder and validate policy name

AzSK Scan Logs

Option 3:

Go to Log Analytics workspace which was configured during CA setup and execute below query

AzSK_CL | where Source_s == "CA" |  summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated,*) by SubscriptionId  | project SubscriptionId,PolicyOrgName_s | render table

It will show the subscriptions running with org policy in a table as depicted below:

AzSK Scan Logs

3. Using CICD Extension with custom org policy

To set up CICD when using custom org policy, please follow below steps:

  1. Add Security Verification Tests (SVTs) in VSTS pipeline by following the steps here.
  2. Make sure AzSKServerURL and EnableServerAuth settings in the AzSK_SVTs task are setup correctly (Refer step 5 in the document referred above)

Having set the policy URL along with AzSK_SVTs Task, you can verify if your CICD task has been properly setup by following steps here.

Policy owner can monitor the subscriptions being scanned from different environments with the help of application insight telemetry.

| where timestamp >= ago(7d)
| where name == "Control Scanned"
| summarize arg_max(timestamp, *)  by Day = bin(timestamp,1d), ScanSource = tostring(customDimensions.ScanSource),tostring(customDimensions.SubscriptionId) 
| summarize SubscriptionCount = count() by Day, ScanSource
| render barchart


AzSK Scan Logs

Modifying and customizing org policy

Getting Started

The typical workflow for all policy changes will remain same and will involve the following basic steps:

  1. Go to the folder on your dev box which has your org-customized policies. This could either be the folder you specified while running org policy setup command or the default one used by it. If you don't have policies on your dev box, you can download those using the following cmdlet. (Please note that the OrgName, DepartmentName and PolicyFolderPath values are for illustration only. You may need to replace them with the ones used during your org policy setup.)

    Get-AzSKOrganizationPolicyStatus -SubscriptionId <SubscriptionId> `
             -OrgName "Contoso" `
             -DepartmentName "IT" `
             -DownloadPolicy `
             -PolicyFolderPath "D:\ContosoPolicies"
  2. Make modifications to the existing files (or add additional policy files as required)

  3. Run the policy update command to upload all artifacts to the policy server (Update-AzSKOrganizationPolicy). It is possible to test policies in local before uploading to server. We will cover this scenario in detail further in this document.

  4. Test in a fresh PS console that the policy change is in effect. (Policy changes do not require re-installation of AzSK.)

Note that you can upload policy files from any folder (e.g., a clone of the originally used/created one). It just needs to have the same folder structure as the default one generated by the first-time policy setup and you must specify the folder path using the '-PolicyFolderPath' parameter.

Because policy on the server works using the 'overlay' approach, the corresponding file on the server needs to have only those specific changes that are required (plus some identifying elements in some cases).

Lastly, note that while making modifications, you should never edit the files that came with the AzSK installation folder(%userprofile%\documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\AzSK). You should create copies of the files you wish to edit, place them in our org-policy folder and make requisite modifications there.

Note: ServerConfigMetadata.json and AzSK-EasyInstaller.ps1 will always get overwritten on the subsequent run of the command.

Basic scenarios for org policy customization

In this section let us look at typical scenarios in which you would want to customize the org policy and ways to accomplish them.

Note: To edit policy JSON files, use a friendly JSON editor such as Visual Studio Code. It will save you lot of debugging time by telling you when objects are not well-formed (extra commas, missing curly-braces, etc.)! This is key because in a lot of policy customization tasks, you will be taking existing JSON objects and removing large parts of them (to only keep the things you want to modify).

a) Changing the default 'Running AzSK using...' message

Whenever any user in your org runs an AzSK command after having installed AzSK using your org-specific installer (IWR), they should see a message such as the following (note the 'Contoso-IT') indicating that AzSK is running using an org-specific policy:

Running AzSK cmdlet using ***Contoso-IT*** policy

Notice that here, the default (first-time) org policy setup injects the 'Contoso-IT' based on the OrgName and the DeptName that you provided when you setup your org policy server. (When users are running without your org policy correctly setup, they will see the 'Running AzSK cmdlet using generic (org-neutral) policy' message which comes from the AzSK public CDN endpoint.)

This message resides in the AzSk.json policy file on the server and the AzSK always displays the text from the server version of this file.

You may want to change this message to something more detailed. (Or even use this as a mechanism to notify all users within the org about something related to AzSK that they need to attend to immediately.) In this example let us just make a simple change to this message. We will just more '*' characters on either side of the 'Contoso-IT' so it stands out a bit.


i) Open the AzSk.json from your local org-policy folder. Path from example: D:\ContosoPolicies\Config\AzSK.json

ii) Edit the value for "Policy Message" field by adding 5 '*' characters on each side of 'Contoso-IT' as under:

"PolicyMessage" : "Running AzSK cmdlet using ***** Contoso-IT ***** policy"

iii) Save the file

iv) Run the policy update command

Update-AzSKOrganizationPolicy -SubscriptionId <SubscriptionId> `
   -OrgName "Contoso" `
   -DepartmentName "IT" `
   -PolicyFolderPath "D:\ContosoPolicies"

 #If custom resource names are used during setup, you can use below parameters to download policy

Update-AzSKOrganizationPolicy -SubscriptionId <SubscriptionId> `
   -OrgName "Contoso-IT" `           
   -ResourceGroupName "Contoso-IT-RG" `
   -StorageAccountName "contosoitsa" `
   -AppInsightName "ContosoITAppInsight" `
   -PolicyFolderPath "D:\ContosoPolicies"

The updated policy is now on the policy server. You can ask another person to test this by running any AzSK cmdlet (e.g., Get-AzSKInfo) in a fresh PS console. When the command starts, it will show an updated message as in the image below:

org Policy - Changed Message

This change will be effective across your organization immediately. Anyone running AzSK commands (in fresh PS sessions) should see the new message.

b) Customize output folder for my org

Usually, when we run AzSK command the results go to the default folder i.e.
C:\Users<UserName>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\AzSKLogs\Sub_[yourSubscriptionName]\20170331_142819. The default location for log storage can be customized in a custom org policy setup. Post customization the scan results will be stored in that particular location.


i) Open the AzSk.json from your local org-policy folder that you have downloaded using.

Get-AzSKOrganizationPolicyStatus -SubscriptionId <SubscriptionId> `
         -OrgName "Contoso" `
         -DepartmentName "IT" `
         -DownloadPolicy `
         -PolicyFolderPath "D:\ContosoPolicies"

ii) Add a new property 'OutputFolderPath' and provide the required destination path where you want to store the scan results. E.g.

     "OutputFolderPath":  "<Path>" # D:\AzSKLogs

iii) Save the AzSK.json file and rerun the policy update or setup command (the same command you ran for the first-time setup)


You can validate the changes by running ‘gai -infotype hostinfo’. Validate-OutputFolderPath

Now if anyone in your org starts a fresh PS session and runs AzSK scan, the results will be stored in the location defined in the OutputFolderPath property added in step ii. Store Log-Given path

c) Changing a control setting for specific controls

Let us now change some numeric setting for a control. A typical setting you may want to tweak is the maximum number of owners/admins allowed for your org's subscriptions. It is verified in one of the subscription security controls. (The default value is 5.)

This setting resides in a file called ControlSettings.json. Because the first-time org policy setup does not customize anything from this, we will first need to copy this file from the local AzSK installation.

The local version of this file should be in the following folder:


Local AzSK Policies

Note that the 'Configurations' folder in the above picture holds all policy files (for all features) of AzSK. We will make copies of files we need to change from here and place the changed versions in the org-policy folder. Again, you should never edit any file directly in the local installation policy folder of AzSK. Rather, always copy the file to your own org-policy folder and edit it there.


i) Copy the ControlSettings.json from the AzSK installation to your org-policy folder

ii) Remove everything except the "NoOfApprovedAdmins" line while keeping the JSON object hierarchy/structure intact Edit Number of Admins

iii) Save the file

iv) Rerun the policy update or setup command (the same command you ran for the first-time setup)


Anyone in your org can now start a fresh PS console and the result of the evaluation of the number of owners/admins control in the subscription security scan (Get-AzSKSubscriptionSecurityStatus) should reflect that the new setting is in effect. (E.g., if you change the max count to 3 and they had 4 owners/admins in their subscription, then the result for control (Azure_Subscription_AuthZ_Limit_Admin_Owner_Count) will change from 'Passed' to 'Failed'.)

d) Customizing specific controls for a service

In this example, we will make a slightly more involved change in the context of a specific SVT (Storage).

Imagine that you want to turn off the evaluation of some control altogether (regardless of whether people use the -UseBaselineControls parameter or not). Also, for another control, you want people to use a recommendation which leverages an internal tool the security team in your org has developed. Let us do this for the Storage.json file. Specifically, we will:

  1. Turn off the evaluation of Azure_Storage_Audit_Issue_Alert_AuthN_Req altogether.
  2. Modify severity of Azure_Storage_AuthN_Dont_Allow_Anonymous to Critical for our org (it is High by default).
  3. Change the recommendation for people in our org to follow if they need to address an issue with the Azure_Storage_DP_Encrypt_In_Transit control.
  4. Disable capability to attest the control Azure_Storage_DP_Restrict_CORS_Access by adding 'ValidAttestationStates' object.

i) Copy the Storage.json from the AzSK installation to your org-policy folder

ii) Remove everything except the ControlID, the Id and specific property we want to modify as mentioned above.

iii) Make changes to the properties of the respective controls so that the final JSON looks like the below.

  "Controls": [
      "ControlID": "Azure_Storage_AuthN_Dont_Allow_Anonymous",
      "Id": "AzureStorage110",
      "ControlSeverity": "Critical"
      "ControlID": "Azure_Storage_Audit_Issue_Alert_AuthN_Req",
      "Id": "AzureStorage120",
      "Enabled": false
      "ControlID": "Azure_Storage_DP_Encrypt_In_Transit",
      "Id": "AzureStorage160",
      "Recommendation": "**Note**: Use our Contoso-IT-EncryptInTransit.ps1 tool for this!"
      "ControlID": "Azure_Storage_DP_Restrict_CORS_Access",
      "ValidAttestationStates" : ["None"]

Note: The 'Id' field is used for identifying the control for policy merging. We are keeping the 'ControlID' field only because of the readability.

iii) Save the file

iv) Rerun the org policy update or setup command (the same command you ran for the first-time setup)


Someone in your org can test this change using the Get-AzSKAzureServicesSecurityStatus command on a target resource group which contains a storage account. If run with the -UseBaselineControls switch, you will see that the control Azure_Storage_AuthN_Dont_Allow_Anonymous shows as Critical in the output CSV and the recommendation for control Azure_Storage_DP_Encrypt_In_Transit has changed to the custom (internal tool) recommendation you wanted people in your org to follow.

Likewise, even after you run the scan without the -UseBaselineControls parameter, you will see that the control Azure_Storage_Audit_Issue_Alert_AuthN_Req is not evaluated and does not appear in the resulting CSV file.

e) Creating a custom control 'baseline' for your org

A powerful capability of AzSK is the ability for an org to define a baseline control set on the policy server that can be leveraged by all individuals in the org (and in other AzSK scenarios like CICD, CA, etc.) via the "-UseBaselineControls" parameter during scan commands.

By default, when someone runs the scan with "-UseBaselineControls" parameter, it leverages the set of controls listed as baseline in the ControlSettings.json file present on default AzSK CDN endpoint.

However, once you have set up an org policy server for your organization, this CDN endpoint is no more in use. (As a side note, you can always 'simulate' CDN-based/org-neutral execution by removing or renaming your %localappdata%\Microsoft\AzSK\AzSKSettings.json file.) Thus, after org policy is setup, there will not be a 'baseline' control set defined for your organization. Indeed, if you run any of the scan commands using the "-UseBaselineControls" switch, you will see exception "There are no baseline controls defined for your org. No controls will be scanned."

To define baseline controls for your org, you will need to define update the ControlSettings.json file as per the steps below-

(We assume that you have tried the max owner/admin count steps in (b) above and edited the ControlSettings.json file is already present in your org policy folder.)

i) Edit the ControlSettings.json file to add a 'BaselineControls' object as per below:

   "NoOfApprovedAdmins": 1,
   "BaselineControls": {
      "ResourceTypeControlIdMappingList": [
            "ResourceType": "AppService",
            "ControlIds": [
            "ResourceType": "Storage",
            "ControlIds": [
      "SubscriptionControlIdList": [

Notice how, apart from the couple of extra elements at the end, the baseline set is pretty much a list of 'ResourceType' and 'ControlIDs' for that resource...making it fairly easy to customize/tweak your own org baseline. Here the name and casing of the resource type name must match that of the policy JSON file for the corresponding resource's JSON file > in the SVT folder and the control ids must match those included in the JSON file.

Note: Here we have used a very simple baseline with just a couple of resource types and a very small control set. A more realistic baseline control set will be more expansive. You can refer CSEO defined baseline using ControlSettings file here.

ii) Save the ControlSettings.json file

iii) Confirm that an entry for ControlSettings.json is already there in the ServerConfigMetadata.json file. (Else see step-iii in (c) above.)

iv) Run the policy setup command (the same command you ran for the first-time setup)


To test that the baseline controls set is in effect, anyone in your org can start a fresh PS console and run the subscription and resources security cmdlets with the -UseBaselineControls parameter. You will see that regardless of the actual types of Azure resources present in their subscriptions, only the ones mentioned in the baseline get evaluated in the scan and, even for those, only the baseline controls get evaluated.

Note: Similar to baseline control, you can also define preview baseline set with the help of similar property "PreviewBaselineControls" in ControlSettings.json. This preview set gets scanned using parameter -UsePreviewBaselineControls with scan commands.

f) Customizing Severity labels

Ability to customize naming of severity levels of controls (e.g., instead of High/Medium, etc. one can now have Important/Moderate, etc.) with the changes reflecting in all avenues (manual scan results/CSV, Log Analytics workspace, compliance summaries, dashboards, etc.)


i) Edit the ControlSettings.json file to add a 'ControlSeverity' object as per below:

   "ControlSeverity": {
    "Critical": "Critical",
    "High": "Important",
    "Medium": "Moderate",
    "Low": "Low"

ii) Save the file

iii) Run the policy setup command (the same command you ran for the first-time setup)


Someone in your org can test this change using the Get-AzSKAzureServicesSecurityStatus. You will see that the controls severity shows as Important instead of High and Moderate instead of Medium in the output CSV.

Managing policy/advanced policy usage

Downloading and examining policy folder

After installing org policy, you must have observed that the command creates policy folder in local machine with some default folders and files.

If you don't have policies, you can always download them using the following command:

Get-AzSKOrganizationPolicyStatus -SubscriptionId <SubscriptionId> `
         -OrgName "Contoso" `
         -DepartmentName "IT" `
         -DownloadPolicy `
         -PolicyFolderPath "D:\ContosoPolicies"

These files are uploaded to the policy storage as well. You can recollect the function of each of these files from here.

Working with ‘local’ mode (policy dev-test-debug)

You can run the scan pointing to the local policy present on your dev box using the following steps. It will enable you test the policy customizations before pushing those to the server.

Step 1: Point AzSK settings to local org policy folder("D:\ContosoPolicies").

Set-AzSKPolicySettings -LocalOrgPolicyFolderPath "D:\ContosoPolicies\"

This will update "AzSKSettings.json" file present at location "%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\AzSK" to point to local folder instead of server storage.

You can run Get-AzSKInfo (GAI) cmdlet to check the current AzSK settings. It will show OnlinePolicyStoreUrl as policyFolder path (instead of the blob URL).

GAI -InfoType HostInfo

Local Host Settings

Step 2: Perform the customization to policy files as per scenarios.

Here you can customize the list of baseline or preview baseline controls for your org using steps already explained here (excluding the last step of running the policy setup or policy update command.)

Step 3: Now you run scan to see policy updates in effect. Clear session state and run scan commands (GRS or GSS) with parameters sets for which config changes are done like UseBaselineControls,ResourceGroupNames, controlIds etc.

# Clear AzSK session cache for settings

# Run subscription scan using local policy settings
Get-AzSKSubscriptionSecurityStatus -SubscriptionId <SubscriptionId>

# Run services security scan with baseline using local policy settings
Get-AzSKAzureServicesSecurityStatus -SubscriptionId <SubscriptionId> -UseBaselineControls

Step 3: If scan commands are running fine with respect to the changes done to the configuration, you can update policy based on parameter set used during installations. If you see some issue in scan commands, you can fix configurations and repeat step 2.

Update-AzSKOrganizationPolicy -SubscriptionId <SubscriptionId> `
   -OrgName "Contoso" `
   -DepartmentName "IT" `
   -PolicyFolderPath "D:\ContosoPolicies"

#If custom resources names are used during setup, you can use below parameters to download policy
Update-AzSKOrganizationPolicy -SubscriptionId <SubscriptionId> `
   -OrgName "Contoso-IT" `           
   -ResourceGroupName "Contoso-IT-RG" `
   -StorageAccountName "contosoitsa" `
   -AppInsightName "ContosoITAppInsight" `
   -PolicyFolderPath "D:\ContosoPolicies"

Step 4: Validate if policy is correctly uploaded and there are no missing mandatory policies using policy health check command

Note: It is always recommended to validate health of org policy for mandatory configurations and policy schema syntax issues using below command. You can review the failed checks and follow the remedy suggested.

Get-AzSKOrganizationPolicyStatus -SubscriptionId <SubscriptionId> `
           -OrgName "Contoso" `
           -DepartmentName "IT"

#If you have used customized resource names, you can use below parameter sets to run health check

Get-AzSKOrganizationPolicyStatus -SubscriptionId <SubscriptionId> `
           -OrgName "Contoso-IT" `
           -ResourceGroupName "RGName" `
           -StorageAccountName "PolicyStorageAccountName" 

Step 5: If all the above steps works fine, you can point back your AzSK setting to online policy server by running "IWR" command generated at the end of Update-AzSKOrganizationPolicy

You can also set up a 'Staging' environment where you can do all pre-testing of policy setup, policy changes, etc. A limited number of people could be engaged in testing the actual end user effects of the policy changes before deploying them for broader usage. Also, you can choose to retain the staging setup or just re-create a fresh one for each major policy change.

For your actual (production) policies, we recommend that you check them into source control and use the local clone of that folder as the location for the AzSK org policy setup command when uploading to the policy server. In fact, setting things up so that any policy modifications are pushed to the policy server via a CICD pipeline would be ideal. (That is how we do it at CSE.) Refer maintaining policy in source-control and deployment using CICD pipeline.

Troubleshooting common issues

Here are a few common things that may cause glitches and you should be careful about:

  • Make sure you use exact case for file names for various policy files (and the names must match case-and-all with the entries in the ServerConfigMetadata.json file)
  • Make sure that no special/BOM characters get introduced into the policy file text. (The policy upload code does scrub for a few known cases, but we may have missed the odd one.)
  • Note that the policy upload command always generates a fresh installer.ps1 file for upload. If you want to make changes to that, you may have to keep a separate copy and upload it. (We will revisit this in future sprints.)

How to upgrade org AzSK version to the latest AzSK version

DevOps kit team releases the newer version of the AzSK module on 15th of every month. It is recommended that you upgrade your org's AzSK version to the latest available version to ensure that your org is up to date with the latest security controls and features. You need to follow the steps below to smoothly upgrade AzSK version for your org:

  1. Install latest AzSK module in your local machine with the help of common setup command

    # Use -Force switch as and when required 
    Install-Module AzSK -Scope CurrentUser -AllowClobber
  2. Go through the release notes for AzSK latest version. It typically lists the changes which may impact org policy users under section 'Org policy/external user updates'.

  3. If the release notes indicate that you need to perform any additional steps before upgrading the org policy version then perform those changes with the help of org policy updates page. It is highly recommended that you do these changes to your local policy folder and test those before pushing to the policy server. Instructions at downloading your existing org policies and Working with ‘local’ mode (policy dev-test-debug) would be useful to do so. If there are no additional steps mentioned, then you can go ahead with next step.

  4. Run UOP with AzSK version update flag

    # For Basic Setup
    Update-AzSKOrganizationPolicy -SubscriptionId <SubscriptionId> `
       -OrgName "Contoso" `
       -DepartmentName "IT" `
       -PolicyFolderPath "D:\ContosoPolicies" -OverrideBaseConfig OrgAzSKVersion
    #For custom Resource Group Setup
    Update-AzSKOrganizationPolicy -SubscriptionId <SubscriptionId> `
       -OrgName "Contoso-IT" `           
       -ResourceGroupName "Contoso-IT-RG" `
       -StorageAccountName "contosoitsa" `
       -PolicyFolderPath "D:\ContosoPolicies" -OverrideBaseConfig OrgAzSKVersion

Internally, this will update the AzSK version in the AzSK.Pre.json file present on your org policy server..

Upgrade scenarios in different scan sources

Once org policy is updated with the latest AzSK version, you will see it in effect in all environments

Local scans: If application teams are using older version(or any other version than mentioned in org policy), they will start seeing warning as shown below while running scans.

Entry in ServerConfigMetadata.json

Continuous Assurance: CA will auto-upgrade to latest org version when the next scheduled job runs. You can monitor upgrade status with the help of application insight events. Use below query in org AI

| customEvents
| where timestamp >= ago(6d)
| where name == "Control Scanned"
| where customDimensions.ScanSource =="Runbook"
| where customDimensions.ScannerModuleName == "AzSK"
| summarize arg_max(timestamp, *) by SubId = tostring(customDimensions.SubscriptionId)
| summarize CAModuleVersionSummary= count() by Version = tostring(customDimensions.ScannerVersion)
| render piechart


CICD: As of now, CICD SVT task does not support version from org policy settings. It always installs latest AzSK version available in PowerShell gallery, irrespective of version mentioned in policy. Although it refers other control policies from policy store.

Maintaining policy in source-control

Coming soon

Policy deployment using CICD pipeline

Coming soon

Create security compliance monitoring solutions

Once you have an org policy setup running smoothly with multiple subscriptions across your org, you will need a solution that provides visibility of security compliance for all the subscriptions across your org. This will help you drive compliance/risk governance initiatives for your organization.

When you setup your org policy endpoint (i.e. policy server), one of the things that happens is creation of an Application Insights workspace for your setup. After that, whenever someone performs an AzSK scan for a subscription that is configured to use your org policy, the scan results are sent (as 'security' telemetry) to your org's Application Insights workspace. Because this workspace receives scan events from all such subscriptions, it can be leveraged to generate aggregate security compliance views for your cloud-based environments.

Create cloud security compliance report for your org using PowerBI

We will look at how a PowerBI-based compliance dashboard can be created and deployed in a matter of minutes starting with a template dashboard that ships with the AzSK. All you need apart from the Application Insights instance is a CSV file that provides a mapping of your organization hierarchy to subscription ids (so that we know which team/service group owns each subscription).

Note: This is a one-time activity with tremendous leverage as you can use the resulting dashboard (example below) towards driving security governance activities over an extended period at your organization.

Step 0: Pre-requisites

To create, edit and publish your compliance dashboard, you will need to install the latest version of PowerBI desktop on your local machine. Download it from here.

Step 1: Prepare your org-subscription mapping

In this step you will prepare the data file which will be fed to the PowerBI dashboard creation process as the mapping from subscription ids to the org hierarchy within your environment. The file is in a simple CSV form and should appear like the one below.

Note: You may want to create a small CSV file with just a few subscriptions for a trial pass and then update it with the full subscription list for your org after getting everything working end-to-end.

A sample template for the CSV file is here:

Org-Sub metadata json

The table below describes the different columns in the CSV file and their intent.

ColumnName Description Required? Comments
BGName Name of business group (e.g., Finance, HR, Marketing, etc.) within your enterprise Yes This you can consider as level 1 hierarchy for your enterprise
ServiceGroupName Name of Service Line/ Business Unit within an organization Yes This you can consider as level 2 hierarchy for your enterprise
SubscriptionId Subscription Id belonging to a org/servicegroup Yes
SubscriptionName Subscription Name Yes This should match the actual subscription name. If it does not, then the actual name will be used.
IsActive Use "Y" for Active Subscription and "N" for Inactive Subscription Yes This will be used to filter active and inactive subscriptions .
OwnerDetails List of subscription owners separated by semi-colons (;) Yes These are people accountable for security of the subscription.

Note: Ensure you follow the correct casing for all column names as shown in the table above. The 'out-of-box' PowerBI template is bound to these columns. If you need additional columns to represent your org hierarchy then you may need to modify the template/report as well.

Step 2: Upload your mapping to the Application Insights (AI) workspace

In this step you will import the data above into the AI workspace created during org policy setup.

(a) Locate the AI resource that was created during org policy setup in your central subscription. This should be present under org policy resource group. After selecting the AI resource, copy the Instrumentation Key.

(b) To push org Mapping details, copy and execute the script available here.

Note: Due to limitation of application insight, you will need to repeat this step every 90 days interval.

Step 3: Create a PowerBI report file

In this section we shall create a PowerBI report locally within PowerBI Desktop using the AI workspace from org policy subscription as the datasource. We will start with a default (out-of-box) PowerBI template and configure it with settings specific to your environment.

Note: This step assumes you have completed Step-0 above!

(a) Get the ApplicationId for your AI workspace from the portal as shown below:

capture applicationInsights AppId

(b) Download and copy the PowerBI template file from here to your local machine.

(c) Open the template (.pbit) file using PowerBI Desktop, provide the AI ApplicationId and click on 'Load' as shown below:

capture applicationInsights AppId

(d) PowerBI will prompt you to login to the org policy subscription at this stage. Authenticate using your user account. (This step basically allows PowerBI to import the data from AI into the PowerBI Desktop workspace.) Login to AI

Once you have successfully logged in, you will see the AI data in the PowerBI report along with org mapping as shown below:

Compliance summary

The report contains 2 tabs. There is an overall/summary view of compliance and a detailed view which can be used to see control 'pass/fail' details for individual subscriptions. An example of the second view is shown below:

Compliance summary

TBD: Need to add steps to control access to the detailed view by business group. (Dashboard RBAC.)

Step 4: Publish the PowerBI report to your enterprise PowerBI workspace

(a) Before publishing to the enterprise PowerBI instance, we need to update AI connection string across data tables in the PowerBI report. The steps to do this are as below:

[a1] Click on "Edit Queries" menu option.

Update AI Connection String

[a2] Copy the value of "AzSKAIConnectionString"

Update AI Connection String

[a3] Replace the value of "AzSKAIConnectionString" with the actual connection string (e.g., AzSKAIConnectionString => "[AIAppID]/query"). You should retain the "" quotes in the connection string.

Update AI Connection String

[a4] Repeat this operation for ControlResults_AI, Subscriptions_AI, and ResourceInventory_AI data tables.

[a5] Click on "Close and Apply".

(b) You can now publish your PBIX report to your workspace. The PBIX file gets created locally when you click "Publish".

Click on Publish

Publish PBIX report

Select destination workspace

Publish PBIX report

Click on "Open [Report Name] in Power BI"

Publish PBIX report

(c) Now report got published successfully. You can schedule refresh for report with below steps

Go to Workspace --> Datasets --> Click on "..." --> Click on "Schedule Refresh"

Publish PBIX report

Click on "Edit credentials"

Publish PBIX report

Sign in with account with which policy is created

Publish PBIX report

Add refresh scheduling timings and click on "Apply"

Note: You may not see "Schedule refresh" option if step [a3] and [a4] is not completed successfully.

Publish PBIX report

AzSK org health monitoring dashboard

Monitoring dashboard gets created along with policy setup and it lets you monitor the operations for various DevOps Kit workflows at your org.(e.g. CA issues, anomalous control drifts, evaluation errors, etc.).

You will be able to see the dashboard at the home page of Azure Portal. If not, you can navigate to the following path to see the dashboard

Go to Azure Portal --> Select "Browse all dashboards" in dashboard dropdown --> Select type "Shared Dashboard" --> Select subscription where policy is setup -->Select "DevOps Kit Monitoring Dashboard [OrgName]"

Below is snapshot of the dashboard Effective org Policy Evaluation

Detail resource inventory dashboard

With the help of telemetry events you will be able to monitor resources inventory in the Org. This will give the visibility over all resources along with control failures over all subscriptions. The PowerBI based template will be shared soon

Compliance notifications

Compliance notification to subscription owners

Coming soon

Advanced usage of org policy (extending AzSK)

Customizing the SVTs

It is powerful capability of AzSK to enable an org to customize the SVT behaviour. Refer extending AzSK modules for more details. You will be able to achieve the following scenarios.

Customizing subscription security

Along with subscription security checks, AzSK provides security provisioning commands (e.g. setting up mandatory ARM policies, RBAC roles, ASC configurations etc.) on a subscription. Refer link for more details on provisioning commands. Each provisioning status is validated with the help of subscription scan controls. Below table gives the details of provisioning commands , GSS control to validate provisioning status and policy file name where all provisioning configurations are present.

Component Provisioning Command Control in GSS Policy File Name Description
ARM Policy Set-AzSKARMPolicies Azure_Subscription_Config_ARM_Policy Subscription.ARMPolicies.json Sets ARM policies corresponding to certain actions that are considered insecure.
Critical Alerts Set-AzSKAlerts Azure_Subscription_Audit_Configure_Critical_Alerts Subscription.InsARMAlerts.json Configuration of subscription and resource alerts for activities with significant security implications
Azure Security Center configuration Set-AzSKAzureSecurityCenterPolicies Azure_Subscription_Config_Azure_Security_Center SecurityCenter.json Default enterprise policy settings for Azure Security Center like configuring security contact information in ASC etc.
RBAC roles/permissions Set-AzSKSubscriptionRBAC Azure_Subscription_AuthZ_Add_Required_Central_Accounts Subscription.RBAC.json Setup mandatory accounts that are required for central scanning/audit/compliance functions.

Common steps for configuring policies for subscription provisioning

i) Copy the provisioning policy file from the AzSK installation folder (%userprofile%\documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\AzSK<version>\Framework\Configurations\SubscriptionSecurity) to your org-policy folder

ii) Edit policy file with schema and guidance given below section for each component

iii) Add entry for configuration in index file (ServerConfigMetadata.json) with OverrideOffline property. OverrideOffline is required for all provisioning policies as it does not support overlay method.

Override Configurations

iv) Rerun the org policy update or setup command (the same command you ran for the first-time setup)

Once policy is updated, it will start respecting in subscription scan command and failing controls with details of missing configuration on subscriptions. Ideally below steps are expected to be executed by individual subscription owners.

i) Run subscription scan

# Subscription scan
Get-AzSKSubscriptionSecurityStatus -SubscriptionId <SubscriptionId>
# Scanning perticular policy control 
Get-AzSKSubscriptionSecurityStatus -SubscriptionId <SubscriptionId> -ControlIds "Azure_Subscription_Config_ARM_Policy"

ii) Validate detail logs printing missing policies expected by Org policy

iii) Execute provisioning command with required parameters

Note: If you want to configure all policies(alert,ARM policy, ASC and RBAC), you can use all in one command Set-AzSKSubscriptionSecurity.

iv) Run subscription scan again and validate control gets passed.

Schema for policy files

ARM policy

   "Version": "3.1809.0",
   "Policies": [      
         "policyDefinitionName": "AzSK_ARMPol_Deny_Classic_Resource_Create", // Friendly policy name. The format used is AzSK_ARMPol_<PolicyAction-Audit,Deny>_<Resource>_<Operation> 
         "policyDefinition": "{\"if\":{\"anyOf\":[{\"field\":\"type\",\"like\":\"Microsoft.ClassicCompute/*\"},{\"field\":\"type\",\"like\":\"microsoft.classicStorage/*\"},{\"field\":\"type\",\"like\":\"Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/*\"}]},\"then\":{\"effect\":\"deny\"}}", // Policy definition. Here we are defining denial of classic resource creation
         "description": "Policy to deny upon creation of classic/v1 (i.e., ASM-based) resources", //  Description about the policy
         "tags": [   
         ], // Tag for policy. Mandatory tag is always picked up by set-AzSKARMPolicy command. If you mention any other tags, you will need to pass explicitly to set command
         "enabled": true, // Defines whether the ARM policy is enabled or not.
         "scope": "/subscriptions/$subscriptionId" // Scope at which policy needs to be applied
   "DeprecatedPolicies" : [] // Array of deprecated policydefinitionnames. This policy will get removed during policy setup

To view the samples of ARM policy definitions rules and syntaxes, refer link

Alert set

You will find current supported alert list here.

   "Version": "3.1803.0",
   "AlertList": [ 
         "Name": "AzSK_Subscription_Alert", // Alert name containing group of all operations.  
         "Description": "Alerts for Subscription Activities", // Alert description
         "Enabled": true, // Defines alert is enabled or not
         "Tags": [ 
         ], // Tag for Alerts group. Mandatory tag is always picked up by set-AzSKAlerts command. 
         "AlertOperationList": [
            "Name": "AzSK_Assign_the_caller_to_User_Access_Administrator_role", // Friendly name for operations
            "Description": "Grants the caller User Access Administrator access at the tenant scope", // operation details
            "OperationName": "Microsoft.Authorization/elevateAccess/action", // operation name
            "Tags": [
            "Severity": "Critical", // severity for operation Critial/High. Critical operations are considered for SMS alerts
            "Enabled": true  // // Defines operation is enabled or not

You will get all activity operations that can be added as part of alert using below command

Get-AzProviderOperation | FT

Security center configurations

Security center can be configured for three things

  • Autoprovisioning
  • SecurityContacts
  • Default policy setup
    "Version": "3.1906.0",    
    "autoProvisioning" : {
        "id": "/subscriptions/{0}/providers/Microsoft.Security/autoProvisioningSettings/default",
        "name": "default",
        "type": "Microsoft.Security/autoProvisioningSettings",
        "properties": {
        "autoProvision": "On"
    "securityContacts" : {
        "id": "/subscriptions/{0}/providers//Microsoft.Security/securityContact/default",
        "name": "default",
        "type": "Microsoft.Security/securityContact",
        "properties": {
            "alertNotifications": {
               "state": "On",
               "minimalSeverity": "Medium"
            "emails": "{1}",
            "notificationsByRole": {
               "state": "On",
               "roles": [
            "phone": "{2}"
    "policySettings" : {
        "properties": {
            "displayName": "ASC Default (subscription: {0})",
            "policyDefinitionId": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policySetDefinitions/1f3afdf9-d0c9-4c3d-847f-89da613e70a8",
            "scope": "/subscriptions/{0}",
            "notScopes": [],
            "parameters": {                                                              
                "endpointProtectionMonitoringEffect": {
                    "value": "AuditIfNotExists"
            "description": "This policy assignment was automatically created by Azure Security Center",
            "metadata": {
                "assignedBy": "Security Center"
        "id": "/subscriptions/{0}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAsssignments/SecurityCenterBuiltIn",
        "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments",
        "name": "SecurityCenterBuiltIn"
    "optionalPolicySettings" : {}

RBAC mandatory/deprecated lists

You will be able to check/configure mandatory and deprecated list of RBAC for all subscriptions with the help of below schema

   "ActiveCentralAccountsVersion": "2.1709.0",
   "DeprecatedAccountsVersion": "2.1709.0",
   "ValidActiveAccounts": [
         "Name": "Contoso Cost Trackers", // Name of the account to be provisioned or checked for. 
         "Description": "This AAD group account is deployed as Reader on all subscriptions at Contoso to monitor cost.", //Description for your account. 
         "ObjectId": "", // Object id for user or group or SPN in tenant 
         "ObjectType": "Group", // ServicePrincipal or User or Group.
         "RoleDefinitionName": "Reader", //Subscription RBAC rolename. 
         "Scope": "/subscriptions/$subscriptionId", //Scope of access.
         "Type": "Provision or Validate. E.g., Provision",
         "Tags": [ "Mandatory" ], //Commma separated list of tags each in double quotes. The tag 'Mandatory' means this account is deployed by default and always checked during verification. 
         "Enabled": true
   "DeprecatedAccounts": [
         "Name": "Name of the account that is considered deprecated and must be deprovisioned. E.g., AutoDeploySPN",
         "Description": "Description for the account. E.g., This was used for automated deployments in the past. It must be removed from all subscriptions.",
         "ObjectId": "object_id_for_user_or_group_or_SPN_in_tenant",
         "ObjectType": "ServicePrincipal or User or Group, E.g., ServicePrincipal",
         "Enabled": false

ARM checker policy customization

Check this

Change default resource group name (AzSKRG) and location (EastUS2) created for AzSK components

You can control default resource group name and location using AzSK config present in org policy. Follow below steps to override default behaviour.

Note: Changing default resource group name will break existing continuous assurance setup. You will need to do re-setup of all CA.


i) Open the AzSK.json from your local org-policy folder

ii) Add the properties for as under:

"AzSKRGName" : "<ResourceGroupName>",
"AzSKLocation" : "<Location>"

iii) Save the file

iv) Run the policy update command.


Run "IWR" in a fresh PS session (you can ask any other user to run this IWR) to setup policy setting in local. If you have already installed policy using IWR, just run CSS (Clear-AzSKSessionState) followed by command Set-AzSKSubscriptionSecurity with required parameters as per the doc. This will provision AzSK components(Alerts/Storage etc) under new resource group and location.

Note: For continuous assurance setup, you need to follow two extra steps.

i) Pass location parameter "AutomationAccountLocation" explicitly during execution of installation command (Install-AzSKContinuousAssurance).

ii) Update $StorageAccountRG variable (In RunbookScanAgent.ps1 file present in policy store) value to AzSKRGName value.

Scenarios for modifying ScanAgent

Scanning only baseline controls using continuous assurance setup

Continuous Assurance (CA) is configured to scan all the controls. We have kept this as a default behavior since org users often tend to miss out on configuring baseline controls. This behavior is controlled from org policy. If you observed, there are two files present in policy folder under CA-Runbook folder,

  • RunbookCoreSetup.ps1: Responsible to install AzSK module
  • RunbookScanAgent.ps1: Performs CA scans and export results to storage account

If you open RunbookScanAgent and search for the scan command text Get-AzSKAzureServicesSecurityStatus and Get-AzSKSubscriptionSecurityStatus, you will find it is scanning for all controls excluding "OwnerAccess" control. This is due to the CA SPN having limited (reader) permissions on the subscription.
To make CA scan only thr baseline controls, append parameter '-UseBaselineControls' to these scan commands.

Follow the same steps as earlier to publish these files to org policy server.

After policy update, CA will start scanning only the baseline controls.

Scanning owner and graph access controls using CA

During CA setup, SPN is assigned with minimum privileges i.e. reader access on subscription and contributor access on AzSKRG. As a reader, it will not be able to scan controls requiring owner or graph read permissions. You can elevate SPN permission to 'Owner' and remove '-ExcludeTags "OwnerAccess"' parameter against the scan commands in above 2 files. As always, follow the same steps tp publish these files to org policy server. However, in general we let SPN have minimum permissions assigned and make it a practice for individual teams to perform scan with high privileged role on regular basis to validate Owner access controls.

Reporting critical alerts

Comming soon

Org policy usage statistics and monitoring using telemetry

The telemetry data can be leveraged by org policy owners to understand AzSK usage, monitor compliance drift, CA health, resource inventory, troubleshooting etc. All helpful AI queries are listed on page here.

Frequently Asked Questions

I am getting exception "The current subscription has been configured with DevOps kit policy for the '***' Org, However the DevOps kit command is running with a different ('org-neutral') org policy....."?

When your subscription is running under org policy, AzSK marks subscription for that Org. If user is running scan commands on that subscription using Org-neutral policy, it will block those commands as that scan/updates can give invalid results against org policy. You may face this issue in different environments. Below steps will help you to fix issue

Local Machine:

  • Run “IWR" installation command shared by Policy Owner. This will ensure latest version installed with org policy settings.(Note: If you are from CSE, please install the AzSK via instructions at so that CSE-specific policies are configured for your installation.)

  • Run "Clear-AzSKSessionState" followed by any scan command and validate its running with org policy. It gets displayed at the start of command execution "Running AzSK cmdlet using ***** policy"

Continuous Assurance:

  • Run "Update-AzSKContinuousAssurance" command with org policy. This will ensure that continuous assurance setup is configured with org policy settings.

  • After above step, you can trigger runbook and ensure that after job completion, scan exported in storage account are with org policy. You can download logs and validate it in file under path <YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_GRS>/ETC/PowerShellOutput.LOG. Check for message during start of command "Running AzSK cmdlet using ***** policy"


  • You need to configure policy url in pipeline using step 5 defined here

  • Make sure that the variables you have configured have correct names and values. You may refer this table.

  • To validate if pipeline AzSK task is running with org policy. You can download release logs from pipeline. Expand "" --> Open file under path "<YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_GRS>/ETC/PowerShellOutput.LOG" --> Check for message at the start of command execution "Running AzSK cmdlet using ***** policy"

If you want to run commands with Org-neutral policy only, you can delete tag (AzSKOrgName_{OrgName}) present on AzSKRG and run the commands.

If you are maintaining multiple org policies and you want to switch scan from one policy to other, you can run Set/Update commands with '-Force' flag using policy you wanted to switch.

Latest AzSK is available but our org CA are running with older version?

AzSK keeps on adding and enhancing features with different capabilities to monitor Security compliance for org subscriptions. During these enhancement in new releases, it may include latest features and some breaking changes. To provide smoother upgrade and avoid policy breaks, AzSK provides feature for org policy to run AzSK with specific version by using configuration present in AzSK.Pre.json. This configuration is referred in multiple places for installing org supported AzSK version in different environments like Installer (IWR) (Installs AzSK in local machine), RunbookCoreSetup (Install AzSK in CA). You need to update property "CurrentVersionForOrg" in AzSK.Pre.json to latest available version after validating if org policy is compatible with latest AzSK version.

We have configured baseline controls using ControlSettings.json on Policy Store, But Continuous Assurance (CA) is scanning all SVT controls on subscription?

Continuous Assurance (CA) is configured to scan all the controls. We have kept this as a default behavior since org users often tend to miss out on configuring baseline controls. This behavior is controlled from org policy. If you observed, there are two files present in policy store, RunbookCoreSetup.ps1 (Responsible to install AzSK) and RunbookScanAgent.ps1 (Performs CA scans and export results to storage account). You can update RunbookScanAgent to make only baseline scan. (By passing -UseBaselineControls parameter to Get-AzSKAzureServicesSecurityStatus and Get-AzSKSubscriptionSecurityStatus commands present in RunbookScanAgent.ps1 file).

Continuous Assurance (CA) is scanning less number of controls as compared with manual scan?

CA automation account runs with minimum privileges i.e. 'Reader' RBAC permission and cannot scan some controls that require more access. Here are a few examples of controls that CA cannot fully scan or can only 'partially' infer compliance for:

Azure_Subscription_AuthZ_Dont_Use_NonAD_Identities - requires Graph API access to determine if an AAD object is an 'external' identity

Azure_Subscription_AuthZ_Remove_Management_Certs - querying for management certs requires Co-Admin permission

Azure_AppService_AuthN_Use_AAD_for_Client_AuthN - often this is implemented in code, so an app owner has to attest this control. Also, any 'security-related' config info is not accessible to the 'Reader' RBAC role.

Azure_CloudService_SI_Enable_AntiMalware - needs co-admin access

Azure_CloudService_AuthN_Use_AAD_for_Client_AuthN - no API available to check this (has to be manually attested)

Azure_Storage_AuthN_Dont_Allow_Anonymous - needs 'data plane' access to storage account (CA SPN being a 'Reader' cannot do 'ListKeys' to access actual data).

In general, we make practice to individual teams to perform scan with high privileged role on regular basis to validate Owner access controls results. If you wanted to scan all controls using continuous assurance, you have to

  • Provide CA SPN's as Owner/Co-Admin RBAC role at subscription scope and graph API read permissions.

  • Remove -ExcludeTags "OwnerAccess" parameter against scan commands (Get-AzSKAzureServicesSecurityStatus and Get-AzSKSubscriptionSecurityStatus) present in RunbookScanAgent.ps1 file on policy store.

How should I protect org policy with AAD based auth?

Currently basic org policy setup uses read only SAS token to fetch policy files. You will be able to protect policy based on AAD auth using below steps

  1. Setup AAD based API:

    Create API Service with AAD auth which will point to and return files from Policy container present under org policy Store. API URL looks like below


Note: Here version and file name are dynamic and passed during execution of AzSK commands.

  1. Update Installer(IWR) with latest policy store url:

    Go to IWR file location(present in policy store --> installer --> AzSK-EasyInstaller.ps1)

    a. Update OnlinePolicyStoreUrl with AD based auth API URL from step 1. (Note: Keep tilt(`) escape character as is)


    b. Search for command "Set-AzSKPolicySettings" in IWR and add parameter "-EnableAADAuthForOnlinePolicyStore"

  2. Update local settings to point to latest API:

    Run IWR command in local machine PowerShell. This will point your local machine to latest policy store URL and AzSK commands will start using AAD based auth.

  3. Update existing CA to point to latest API:

    If CA is already installed on subscriptions. You can just run Update-CA command. This will update runbook to use latest policy store URL.

  4. Update CICD task to point to latest API:

    Refer step 5 from SVT Task documentation to update policy url in pipeline. Make sure you set EnableServerAuth variable to true.

Note: We are already exploring on latest AAD based auth feature available on Storage to protect policy. Above steps will be updated in future once AzSK is compatible with latest features.

Can I completely override policy. I do not want policy to be run in Overlay method?

Yes. You can completely override policy configuration with the help index file.


i) Copy local version of configuration file to policy folder. Here we will copy complete AppService.json.

Source location: "%userprofile%\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\AzSK<version>\Framework\Configurations\SVT"

Destination location: "D:\ContosoPolicies" Copy Configurations

ii) Update configurations for all required controls in AppService.json

iii) Add entry for configuration in index file(ServerConfigMetadata.json) with OverrideOffline property

Override Configurations

iv) Run update/install org policy command with required parameters.

Control is getting scanned even though it has been removed from my custom org-policy.

If you want only the controls which are present on your custom org-policy to be scanned, set the OverrideOffline flag to true in the ServerConfigMetadata.json file.

Example: If you want to scan only the ARMControls present in your org-policy, then set the OverrideOffline flag to true as shown below.

ARM Controls override


Run clear session state command(Clear-AzSKSessionState) followed by services scan (Get-AzSKAzureServicesSecurityStatus). Scan should reflect configuration changes done.

How to customize attestation expiry period for controls?

There are two methods with which attestation expiry period can be controlled using org policy.

  1. Update attestation expiry period for control severity

  2. Update attestation expiry period for a particular control in SVT

Note: Expiry period can be customized only for statuses "WillNotFix", "WillFixLater" and "StateConfirmed". For status "NotAnIssue" and "NotApplicable", expiry period can be customized using "Default" period present as part of ControlSettings configuration.

1. Update attestation expiry period for control severity


i) Go to ControlSettings configuration present in module folder.

  Source location: "%userprofile%\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\AzSK\<version>\Framework\Configurations\SVT\ControlSettings.json"

ii) Copy "AttestationExpiryPeriodInDays" settings

iii) Create/update "ControlSettings.json" in org policy configuration folder (It is the same folder from where org policy is installed) and paste AttestationExpiryPeriodInDays configurations to file

iv) Update attestation expiry period against control severity. For e.g., here we will make "High" severity control to expire after 60 days, "Critical" to 15 days and others set to 90 days

Controls attestation expiry override

v) Update org policy with the help of Update-AzSKOrganizationPolicy (UOP) cmdlet. (If you have created policy custom resources, mention resource names as parameter for UOP cmdlet)

   Update-AzSKOrganizationPolicy -SubscriptionId $SubId -OrgName "Contoso" -DepartmentName "IT" -PolicyFolderPath "D:\ContosoPolicies"
  1. Run clear session state command (Clear-AzSKSessionState).

  2. You can attest one of the "High" severity controls or if you have control already attested, you can go to step 3

    Example: In this example, we will attest storage control with "WillNotFix" status

    Get-AzSKAzureServicesSecurityStatus -SubscriptionId $SubId `
                                     -ResourceNames azskpreviewcontosopr3sa `
                                     -ControlIds "Azure_Storage_AuthN_Dont_Allow_Anonymous" `
                                     -ControlsToAttest NotAttested 

    Output: Controls attestation expiry override

  3. Run Get-AzSKInfo (GAI) cmdlet to get all attested controls in Sub with expiry details.

    Note: Make sure cmdlet is running with org policy. If not you will need to run "IWR" generated at the time of IOP or UOP cmdlet.

    Get-AzSKInfo -InfoType AttestationInfo -SubscriptionId <SubscriptionId>
  4. Open CSV or detailed log file generated at the end of command execution. It will show expiry period column for attested column.

    Detailed log: Controls attestation expiry override

    CSV report: Controls attestation expiry override

2. Update attestation expiry period for particular control in SVT

i) Copy the Storage.json from the AzSK module to your org-policy folder

Source location: "%userprofile%\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\AzSK<version>\Framework\Configurations\SVT\Services\Storage.json"

Destination location: Policy config folder in local (D:\ContosoPolicies\Config)

ii) Remove everything except the ControlID, the Id and add property "AttestationExpiryPeriodInDays" as shown below.

 "Controls": [
     "ControlID": "Azure_Storage_AuthN_Dont_Allow_Anonymous",
     "Id": "AzureStorage110",
     "AttestationExpiryPeriodInDays": 45

iii) Update org policy with the help of UOP cmdlet with required parameters.

   Update-AzSKOrganizationPolicy -SubscriptionId $SubId -OrgName "Contoso" -DepartmentName "IT" -PolicyFolderPath "D:\ContosoPolicies"

For testing follow same steps mentioned above for scenario 1

How to configure non-AAD identity providers for AppService?

You will be able to configure non-AAD identity providers and external redirect URLs using below settings:

i)Copy the ControlSettings.json from the AzSK installation to your org-policy folder.

ii)Update required values in below tags under AppService:

"AllowedAuthenticationProviders": [
"AllowedExternalRedirectURLs": [

iii)Make sure identity providers from AllowedAuthenticationProviders are removed from NonAADAuthProperties.

"NonAADAuthProperties": [

iv) Save the file.

v) Override ControlSettings.json in ServerConfigMetaData.json as shown below:

    "OnlinePolicyList" : [
            "Name" : "AzSK.json"
            "Name" : "ControlSettings.json",
			   "OverrideOffline" :true
            "Name" : "ServerConfigMetadata.json",
			   "OverrideOffline" : true

vi) Rerun the policy update or setup command (the same command you ran for the first-time setup).

How can we treat each public IP address as an individual resource?

Org policy admins can enable public IP address as an individual resource by making following org policy settings:

i) Copy the ControlSettings.json from the AzSK installation to your org-policy folder.

a) If you already have a overridden ControlSettings.json, add the following new settings to it.

"PublicIpAddress": {
 "EnablePublicIpResource": false

ii) Update the EnablePublicIpResource setting to true.

"PublicIpAddress": {
    "EnablePublicIpResource": true

iii) Save the file.

iv) Edit the ServerConfigMetadata.json file in your local org-policy folder and create an entry for "ControlSettings.json" as below:

    "OnlinePolicyList" : [
            "Name" : "AzSK.json"
            "Name" : "ControlSettings.json",

v) If you are using an already overridden ControlSettings.json, edit the ServerConfigMetadata.json file as follows:

    "OnlinePolicyList" : [
            "Name" : "AzSK.json"
            "Name" : "ControlSettings.json",
            "OverrideOffline" : true

vi) Rerun the policy update or setup command (the same command you ran for the first-time setup).

vii) Command that will be helpful in scanning a public IP address resource:

 $subscriptionId = <Your SubscriptionId>
$resourceGroupName = <ResourceGroup Name>
$resourceName = <ResourceName>
$ControlId = 'Azure_PublicIpAddress_Justify_PublicIp'
Get-AzSKAzureServicesSecurityStatus -SubscriptionId $subscriptionId `
                -ResourceGroupNames $resourceGroupName `
                -ResourceName $resourceName `
                -ControlId $ControlId