Trying to keep this as lightweight and simple as possible. therefore, I only used plugins that I find necessary,
will be updated once in a while.
If there is anything you want to add, please consider contributing.
- File Explorer
- Buffers / Tabs
- Status Bar (Lualine)
- Find Files & Live Grep
- Auto Completion
- Code Snippets
- Code Formatter & Eslint
- Git integration
- Color Highlighter
- Dev Icons & Custom Theme
- Out of context Aliens for good luck and less errors 👽
- Stable Neovim Version 0.7+ - Required
- NodeJS - Required - For LSP
- Lazygit - Optional - For Git integration
- RipGrep - Optional - For Telescope live grep
Make a backup if you want to keep your current nvim config
mv ~/.config/nvim ~/.config/nvim_backup
Clone the repository
git clone ~/.config/nvim
nvim +PackerSync
- Rotate between buffers : TAB
- Open file explorer : SPACE+o
- Close file explorer : SPACE+c
- Focus on file explorer : SPACE+e
- Focus on buffer : CTRL+l
- Close Buffers : SPACE+r
- Find Files : SPACE+f
- Live Grep : SPACE+g
- Format : SPACE+l+p
- Toggle Terminal : SPACE+T
- Go to Definition : g+d
To use your own key mappings, edit:
:e lua/mappings/init.lua
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
This project is licensed under the MIT license.