You need to set once:
Your osu username
Your api_key and OAUTH_KEY: you can see them here.
Finally, you need to set up your current lobby id in TARGET_CHANNEL (so each time you want to use the script in a new lobby): You can find the id here when joining the lobby:
Once in the osu lobby, type !game
or !g
in the chat to get a new map and mods automatically selected. The win condition will be sent as a message to the lobby.
For now, the possible objectives are:
- To be the closest to a precise acc, score, misscount, max combo or end combo
- To be the one with the most 50s or 100s
- To play the map in converted osu!catch and get the lowest score (i.e. avoid fruits as much as possible).
And the possible mods are:
- EZ
- HD
- HR
- FL
All this is easily customizable in the 'Games' section of the code.
- The idea for the concept came from Zylice's video