i still have to add some functionalitiy to this project so i'll write more details when i'm done with it :) ...
(this project was created to practice on the MVVM design pattern)
tools and components used :
- Paging library.
- ViewModel.
- LiveData.
- MediatorLiveData.
- Room DB.
- Data Binding Library.
- Retrofit2
- Picasso.
- RecyclerView.
- Parcelable.
installation :
to install and run you just need to clone the repository and run it using Android Studio.
you still need to change the API ID for the movieDB library. you can create a new API key from the folowing website.
and then you can change the api key from the strings file , it's under the name api_key.
License :
this project was published under the MIT license .
Libraries, dependencies, and tools used in this project are tied with their own licenses respectively.