should be installed on machine.- edit docker config files (
) in host machine and client machine:{ "experimental": false, "insecure-registries": ["localhost:5000"] }
- run in terminal:
sudo chmod u+x ./
- go to
to see available images. - how to pull image:
sudo docker pull localhost:5000/<image-name>
- it's done!
instead of
you should consider your ip in private network. you should restart your docker after new configs.
pull registry image from
sudo docker pull registry
store pulled images on your machine in file for transfering
docker save -o <save-location>/<file-name>.tar <image-name>
load image from file to machine
docker load -i <image-file-path>.tar
run image to specific volume (for read and write)
sudo docker run --rm -v ./regvol:/var/lib/registry --name hooshan-registry -p 5000:5000 registry
add image to registry:
sudo docker tag <image-name> <your-registry-address>/<image-name> sudo docker push <your-registry-address>/<image-name>
remove all docker images:
sudo docker rmi -f $(sudo docker images -aq)
remove all docker containers:
sudo docker rm -vf $(sudo docker ps -aq)
sudo docker container prune