A reference architecture for running a Fluentd Log Aggregator on AWS Fargate, which forwards logs to Kinesis Firehose. See Building a scalable log solution aggregator with AWS Fargate, Fluentd, and Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose.
First, customize the Fluentd configuration file in src. Then, build it into the docker image:
docker build -t fluentd-aggregator src
The Fluentd aggregator is designed to be deployed to a VPC with private subnets behind a NAT Gateway. The aws-samples/ecs-refarch-cloudformation repository has a CloudFormation template which will create a VPC with two public and two private subnets: vpc.yaml.
Then create an ECS Cluster (if you don't already have one):
aws ecs create-cluster --cluster-name fargate-fluentd-tutorial
Next, create an ECS Task Execution IAM role.
Finally, launch template.yml:
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file template.yml --stack-name aggregator-service \
--parameter-overrides EnvironmentName=fluentd-aggregator-service \
DockerImage=<Fluentd image> \
VPC=<your VPC ID> \
Subnets=<private subnet 1, private subnet 2> \
Cluster=fargate-fluentd-tutorial \
ExecutionRoleArn=<your task execution IAM role ARN> \
MinTasks=2 \
MaxTasks=4 \
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