All URIs are relative to http://localhost/rest/2.0
Method | HTTP request | Description |
find_validation_results | GET /validation | Returns the validation results matching the given search criteria. |
validate | POST /validation/{assetId} | Validates a single asset. |
validate_in_job | POST /validation/bulk | Validates multiple assets. |
ValidationResultPagedResponse find_validation_results(offset=offset, limit=limit, asset_id=asset_id, job_id=job_id, validation_rule_id=validation_rule_id, most_recent_job=most_recent_job, result=result)
Returns the validation results matching the given search criteria.
Returns the validation results matching the given search criteria. Only parameters that are specified in this request and have not null
values are used for filtering. All other parameters are ignored. The returned validation results satisfy all constraints that are specified in this search criteria. By default a result containing at most 1000 validation results is returned.
- Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import collibra_core
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost/rest/2.0
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = collibra_core.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost/rest/2.0"
# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
configuration = collibra_core.Configuration(
username = 'YOUR_USERNAME',
password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD'
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with collibra_core.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collibra_core.ValidationApi(api_client)
offset = 0 # int | The first result to retrieve. If not set (offset = <code>0</code>), results will be retrieved starting from row <code>0</code>. (optional) (default to 0)
limit = 0 # int | The maximum number of results to retrieve. If not set (limit = <code>0</code>), the default limit will be used. (optional) (default to 0)
asset_id = 'asset_id_example' # str | The unique identifier of the asset for which we are searching validation results. (optional)
job_id = 'job_id_example' # str | The unique identifier of the job for which we are searching validation results. (optional)
validation_rule_id = 'validation_rule_id_example' # str | The unique identifier of the validation rule for which we are searching validation results. (optional)
most_recent_job = True # bool | Check the validationResults of only the most recent job according to the other criteria. (optional)
result = True # bool | Filter on the result of validation results. (optional)
# Returns the validation results matching the given search criteria.
api_response = api_instance.find_validation_results(offset=offset, limit=limit, asset_id=asset_id, job_id=job_id, validation_rule_id=validation_rule_id, most_recent_job=most_recent_job, result=result)
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling ValidationApi->find_validation_results: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
offset | int | The first result to retrieve. If not set (offset = <code>0</code>), results will be retrieved starting from row <code>0</code>. | [optional] [default to 0] |
limit | int | The maximum number of results to retrieve. If not set (limit = <code>0</code>), the default limit will be used. | [optional] [default to 0] |
asset_id | str | The unique identifier of the asset for which we are searching validation results. | [optional] |
job_id | str | The unique identifier of the job for which we are searching validation results. | [optional] |
validation_rule_id | str | The unique identifier of the validation rule for which we are searching validation results. | [optional] |
most_recent_job | bool | Check the validationResults of only the most recent job according to the other criteria. | [optional] |
result | bool | Filter on the result of validation results. | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | The paged response with found ValidationResults. | - |
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list[ValidationResultImpl] validate(asset_id)
Validates a single asset.
Validates a single asset.
- Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import collibra_core
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost/rest/2.0
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = collibra_core.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost/rest/2.0"
# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
configuration = collibra_core.Configuration(
username = 'YOUR_USERNAME',
password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD'
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with collibra_core.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collibra_core.ValidationApi(api_client)
asset_id = 'asset_id_example' # str | the unique identifier of the asset to be validated
# Validates a single asset.
api_response = api_instance.validate(asset_id)
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling ValidationApi->validate: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
asset_id | str | the unique identifier of the asset to be validated |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | The asset has been validated successfully. | - |
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Job validate_in_job(validate_in_job_request=validate_in_job_request)
Validates multiple assets.
Validates multiple assets.
- Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import collibra_core
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost/rest/2.0
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = collibra_core.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost/rest/2.0"
# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
configuration = collibra_core.Configuration(
username = 'YOUR_USERNAME',
password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD'
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with collibra_core.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collibra_core.ValidationApi(api_client)
validate_in_job_request = collibra_core.ValidateInJobRequest() # ValidateInJobRequest | (optional)
# Validates multiple assets.
api_response = api_instance.validate_in_job(validate_in_job_request=validate_in_job_request)
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling ValidationApi->validate_in_job: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
validate_in_job_request | ValidateInJobRequest | [optional] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | Validation Job successfully started. | - |
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