Highlight the new features or best parts of your Android App and guide new users
Contains 3 modules
- TutorialViewLibrary (com.ak.android.tutorialview) which is an Android Library
- TutorialViewSampleApp - A sample app showing how to use the above library
- viewpagerindicator(http://viewpagerindicator.com/) - Used by the library for viewing tutorial with multiple items/pages
Build your tutorial using the TutorialBuilder class by passing one or more tutorial items. Sample code below:
private void showTutorial(){
TutorialBuilder builder = new TutorialBuilder(this);
ViewHighlighterCustomViewTutorialItem tutItem1 = new ViewHighlighterCustomViewTutorialItem(
ViewHighlighterTutorialItem tutItem2 = new ViewHighlighterTutorialItem(
R.id.button2, R.id.button3
Each tutorial needs a unique Id - set via setTutId(int)
By default the tutorial is shown only once on the first run unless it is forced using setForce(boolean)
Currently there is support for 2 types of tutorial items
- ViewHighlighterTutorialItem - A simple help text overlay highlighting required views and a central aligned text describing the highlighted view
ViewHighlighterTutorialItem tutItem2 = new ViewHighlighterTutorialItem(
this, //activity object
R.string.tut_page2_desc, // string resource id describing the highlighed view
R.id.button2, R.id.button3 // view resource ids of views to be highlighted
- ViewHighlighterCustomViewTutorialItem - A custom layout help overlay over highlighted views
ViewHighlighterCustomViewTutorialItem tutItem1 = new ViewHighlighterCustomViewTutorialItem(
this, //activity object
R.id.button1, // view resource id to highlight
R.layout.tutorial_custom_layout // layout resource id to be shown as help over highlighted view