ColorPickerSeekBar is an extension of SeekBar Android Widget for choosing a color. User can touch the thumb and drag left or right to set the color.
This github repo contains 2 modules
- ColorPickerSeekBar ( which is an Android Library
- ColorPickerSampleApp - A sample app showing how to use the above library
- Add the dependency from Maven:
compile 'com.github.avinashkolluru.colorpickerseekbar:library:1.0-SNAPSHOT'
. You'll also need to add the Sonatype snapshots repository to your repositories {} tag:
repositories {
maven {
url ''
- Copy the library project(ColorPickerSeekBar) into your Gradle project. In your settings.gradle, add the project (using the include (':ColorPickerSeekBar') notation) and add a dependency to the library module in your app. Sync Gradle and then go ahead!
To receive color change events when the user drags along the seekbar register a ColorPickerSeekBar.OnColorSeekBarChangeListener
colorPickerSeekBar.setOnColorSeekbarChangeListener(new ColorPickerSeekBar.OnColorSeekBarChangeListener() {
public void onColorChanged(SeekBar seekBar, int color, boolean fromUser) {
public void onStartTrackingTouch(SeekBar seekBar) {
public void onStopTrackingTouch(SeekBar seekBar) {