When you need to plan a party this app will help you plan out all the last second details to help you get through the day. So you get stuck hosting the party for the big event you forgot was happening today, what are you supposed to do? When this predicament occurs you can use the Last Moment Savers app to break down all the details into a manageable agenda to get through the day without a hitch. After using the app you will be able to plan for any event based on food, location, equipment, and attendees or what ever else might come your way.
You can access the app here: https://last-moment-savers.herokuapp.com.
AS A(N) team member
I WANT to plan and host any event even in the last second
SO THAT we can avoid the awkward embarrassment of being a bad host.
Below is a list of all the requirements for the project.
- Use Node.js and Express.js to create a RESTful API.
- Use Handlebars.js as the template engine.
- Use MySQL and the Sequelize ORM for the database.
- Have both GET and POST routes for retrieving and adding new data.
- Use at least one new library, package, or technology that we haven’t discussed.
- Have a folder structure that meets the MVC paradigm.
- Include authentication (express-session and cookies).
- Protect API keys and sensitive information with environment variables.
- Be deployed using Heroku (with data).
- Have a polished UI.
- Be responsive.
- Be interactive (i.e., accept and respond to user input).
- Meet good-quality coding standards (file structure, naming conventions, follows best practices for class/id naming conventions, indentation, quality comments, etc.).
- Have a professional README (with unique name, description, technologies used, screenshot, and link to deployed application).
In addition to the Project Requirements above:
- Git Commits -> Every group member must have at least 15+ Git Commits with Good commit messages on their personal branches
- Application uses a Node.js and Express.js back end and uses both GET and POST routes for retrieving and adding new data.
- Application has a folder structure that meets the MVC paradigm and uses Handlebars.js as the template engine.
- Application is backed by a MySQL database with a Sequelize ORM and protects API keys and sensitive information with environment variables.
- Application includes user authentication (express-session and cookies).
- Application uses at least one new library, package, or technology not covered in class.
- Application deployed at live URL on Heroku and loads with no errors.
- Application GitHub URL submitted.
- Repository has a unique name.
- Repository follows best practices for file structure and naming conventions.
- Repository follows best practices for class/id-naming conventions, indentation, quality comments, etc.
- Repository contains multiple descriptive commit messages.
- Repository contains quality README file with description, screenshot, and link to deployed application.
- Application user experience is intuitive and easy to navigate.
- Application user interface style is clean and polished.
- Application is responsive.
- There are no major disparities in the number of GitHub contributions between group members.
- Every group member should speak during the presentation.
The following picture shows the website appearance and capabilities:
To fork this code to further improve the website, please follow these directions:
- In Github fork the repository.
- Clone the repository to your local computer.
This assumes that you have setup your own SSH keys to connect with Github.
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