Automatiko 0.32.0 release
What's Changed
- build user task search endpoint that indexes tasks and allows to run … by @mswiderski in #346
- major clean up with upgrades of quarkus 3.2.2 and camel 4RC2, removed… by @mswiderski in #347
- replaced kryo based serialized with jackson for user task index with … by @mswiderski in #348
- Bump org.apache.maven:maven-core from 3.6.2 to 3.8.1 by @dependabot in #349
- RabbitMQ example, ack mode for messages by @mswiderski in #352
- apache pulsar support by @mswiderski in #353
- added support for dedicated rabbitmq connector by @mswiderski in #355
- migrated to opentelemetry instead of opentracing for tracing support by @mswiderski in #356
- upgrade to quarkus 3.4.0 and camel quarkus and required dependencies by @mswiderski in #358
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #349
Full Changelog: v0.30.1...v0.32.0