This repository contains the source for the hubot-slack docker image.
Based on hubot-rocketchat
docker pull jordan/hubot-slack
- Based on node
- Hubot + hubot-slack adapter
- No SSH. Use docker exec or nsenter
- Supply HUBOT_SLACK_TOKEN or you won't get too far :)
- hubot might take a few minutes to connect to slack as it pulls the necessary node.js modules at startup
- hubot must be invited to channels
- Official hubot script repo:
You must first add the Hubot Slack app to your team to obtain a token. Search for it here
Start hubot-slack with your own scripts
sudo docker run -d --name "hubot" -e HUBOT_SLACK_TOKEN=MY_HUBOT_SLACK_TOKEN -v /path/to/hubot/volume:/home/hubot/scripts jordan/hubot-slack:latest
Start hubot-slack with the help and pugme scripts
sudo docker run -d --name "hubot" -e HUBOT_SLACK_TOKEN=MY_HUBOT_SLACK_TOKEN -e EXTERNAL_SCRIPTS=hubot-help,hubot-pugme jordan/hubot-slack:latest
HUBOT_SLACK_TOKEN - Your hubot slack token
ENV HUBOT_NAME - myhubot (default)
ENV HUBOT_OWNER - none (default)
ENV EXTERNAL_SCRIPTS - hubot-help (default). Do not add hubot-slack to this list as it is already installed and enabled in the container.