This web applications was built to run best with the following tools:
- Clone the repository with
git clone
- Navigate into the root of the repository
- Install all dependencies using
npm install
- Install MySQL and create a user named temp with the command
CREATE USER 'temp'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '1234';
- Give that user permissions with the command
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'temp'@'localhost';
- Initialize the database with
node src/scripts/create_database.js
- Launch the application using
node src/main.js
- The web application should now run at
- Login using one of the user accounts listed below
Account Type | Username | Password | Branch |
Library User | jack | 1234 | Mill Woods |
Library User | brett | 1234 | Mill Woods |
Library User | jordan | 1234 | Calder |
Library User | sunny | 1234 | Grant MacEwan LM |
IT User | cam | 1234 | IT |
HR User | max | package | HR |