This mod requires "CoD4: Unleashed" to run. You can aquire this server patch from
This software is released under the GNU General Public License v3.0
NOTE: It is not recommended to actively use the provided backend. At Raid Gaming we use a rewritten Node.js backend due to security concerns with the old backend. It was written quickly and without much thought and has led to several vulnerabilities being discovered over the years. It also doesn't adhere to any sort of standards and has a messy code base. If you wish to run this mod I would highly recommend looking into the HTTP capabilities of CoD4: Unleashed and write your own backend.
Place the contents of "web_backend" into your web server's directory accessible via http://localhost/sys/cod4/ (or you can go through the GSC files in /surf to change the path)
Open "config.php" and edit the values inside
Place the contents of "web_frontend" anywhere you'd like (preferably http://localhost/surf/)
Open "config.php" and edit the values inside
Import the provided "cod4_surf.sql" file into a database of your choice (preferably a newly created, empty one)
Place "" in "%b3%/b3/extplugins"
Open up your b3 config file (eg: "%b3%/b3/conf/b3.xml") and place the following line in the plugins section:
<plugin name="surf"/>
Upload "atrx_surf" (and preferably rename) to your mods folder
Upload "atrx_surf" (and preferably rename) to your redirect (make sure to only include "mod.ff" and "surf.iwd" here)
Make sure to set the correct dvars in your config (check "surf/_dvar.gsc")