All Ajs related projects are currently developed in a single VS Solution and are using the AjsDev reporistory
Copyright ©2016-2017 Atom Software Studios
Released under the MIT License
Following projects are currently maintained under this repository:
Project | Description | Stable code repo, issue and project management |
Ajs | Ajs Framework | |
AjsWebApp | Project to simlify building, bungling and debugging of TS web apps | |
AjsDoc | TS Documentation Browser, Example Ajs FW application | |
Additionally, following Ajs Framework example projects are maintained here. Latest standaone stable version of ajs examples project can be found at
Project | Description |
HelloWorld | Introduction to the ajs framework |
SimpleApp | Clock application presenting the view state updates |
OfflineApplication | Clock application with offline support |
Exceptions | Global Exception Handling |
HTMLControls | Presentation how the HTML contorls can be managed |
ToDos | Classic, To Do's application showing interactions between user and application, view components and model examples |
ToDosOffline | Classic, To Do's application with offline & local store support |
BootControls | Error view, Loading progress bar and Render target examples |
To choose what project will be executed (packaged) use the AjsWebApp.json file under the AjsWebApp project. The ignoredProjects option allows to set projects which will be skipped during the packaing so remarking only wanted projects to be included makes the AjsWebApp packager to use only these projects.