Whistler, also called Xeno, was the astromech droid of Corran Horn. It was the same R-series model as the legendary R2-D2.
Whistler is based on the slackbot library. He's pretty cool.
package robots
// FooBot is a robot that …
type FooBot struct {
import (
func init() {
RegisterRobot("foo", func() (robot Robot) { return new(FooBot) })
// Run executes a deferred action
func (b FooBot) Run(c *SlashCommand) string {
go b.DeferredAction(c)
return ""
// DeferredAction makes a incoming webhook call
func (b FooBot) DeferredAction(c *SlashCommand) {
Channel: c.ChannelID,
Username: "Foo Bot",
Text: fmt.Sprintf("@%s Something!", c.Username),
IconEmoji: ":apple:",
UnfurlLinks: true,
Parse: "full",
// Description describes what the robot does
func (b ListBot) Description() string {
return strings.Join([]string{
"Does something!",
"Usage: /whistler foo [args]",
"Expected Response: Something",
}, "\n\t")
Note: You need to add the integration Incoming Webhooks here.
SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL=https://hooks.slack.com/services/… go run main.go
Note: You can find the ID of your Slack channels here.
curl -X POST -d 'user_name=peterhellberg&channel_id=…&command=/whistler&text=lobsters'
You may want to get comfortable with hk log
and hk restart
if you're having issues.