Tomtelize-server will superimpose a christmas hat to any image
sent together with face feature data (i.e image and data sent
from the Tomtelizer
iPhone application).
- delayed_job
- rmagick
- sqlite3
$ ./script/delayed_job start && rails server
assert_difference('Image.count', 1) do
assert_difference('FaceFeature.count', 2) do
#post data format: features[][left_eye_x]=123 etc
post :new, :uploaded => file, :features => [{ :left_eye_x => 12,
:left_eye_y => 13,
:right_eye_x => 14,
:right_eye_y => 15,
:mouth_x => 20,
:mouth_y => 30 },
{ :left_eye_x => 12,
:left_eye_y => 13,
:right_eye_x => 14,
:right_eye_y => 15,
:mouth_x => 20,
:mouth_y => 30} ]