A bot for https://ticketswap.nl/. It adds tickets for an event to the cart.
Using the script might get you banned from Ticketswap (usage of a bot is against the terms and conditions). Please use it with your own risk.
npm install -g ticketswapper
Run with:
The URL of the event can be the full URL.
The token is the identifier for the session with TicketSwap and it needs to be extracted from the browser. Open the TicketSwap website and login. Open the developer tools of your browser and take a look at the network calls. In the requests it is part of the request headers.
When copying the token, just copy the part after Bearer <token>
If that is unclear, please check out the following website. It shows the network tab and headers in Chrome. https://commandlinefanatic.com/cgi-bin/showarticle.cgi?article=art034
Cluster mode will start the application multiple times on the computer. It will open multiple connections to Ticket Swap.
Example for an event:
ticketswapper -t NlG3kR3lR3khNkRGwZi3TThNzINjkNwN22R2lTj2lGINNhEjNTZETITwIi3izkzTjTZkIkkZiETiEkwhGTz3z23h3Z33 -u https://www.ticketswap.com/event/museumnacht-amsterdam-2019/6135485a-7ccd-470d-b2ba-61ba58726a92
Another example with cluster mode.
ticketswapper -t NlG3kR3lR3khNkRGwZi3TThNzINjkNwN22R2lTj2lGINNhEjNTZETITwIi3izkzTjTZkIkkZiETiEkwhGTz3z23h3Z33 -u https://www.ticketswap.com/event/museumnacht-amsterdam-2019/6135485a-7ccd-470d-b2ba-61ba58726a92 -c true
Another example with ticket option number 2
ticketswapper -t NlG3kR3lR3khNkRGwZi3TThNzINjkNwN22R2lTj2lGINNhEjNTZETITwIi3izkzTjTZkIkkZiETiEkwhGTz3z23h3Z33 -u https://www.ticketswap.com/event/museumnacht-amsterdam-2019/6135485a-7ccd-470d-b2ba-61ba58726a92 -o 2