This is a Python ROS Package for publishing AirSim Simulator (based on Unreal Engine) on ROS as topics, and implementing nodes for different autonomous software stack algorithms.
This package was initially developed for ASU Racing Team, Formula Student AI Team for participating in FS-AI 2020 Online Simulation Development Event. This package was originally developed for ROS 1.0 Kinetic Kame using Python 2.7, but now is migrated can work on both ROS 1.0 Kinetic and ROS 1.0 Noetic Ninjemys, also can work with Python 3 interpreters as well.
- GPS:
- IMU:
- Lidar:
- Kinematic Odometry:
- Right Cones Array:
- Left Cones Array:
- Delaunay Planned Path:
- Publishes two geometry_msgs/PoseArray messages for the right and left cones.
- Publishes geometry_msgs/PoseArray message for the waypoints.
- Publishes sensor_msgs/NavSatFix message for GPS.
- Publishes nav_msgs/Odometry messgae estimated from vehicle kinematics.
- Publishes sensor_msgs/Imu and sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 messages for the IMU and lidar.
- Publishes nav_msgs/Odometry message by listening to the map to odom transform.