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      |  __|/ _ \ / _` || __|| '_ \  / _ \| '__|/ _` || '__|/ _ \ | '_ \
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         Featherdrop. It's the bot of the 21st century. Are you ready?

   Featherdrop has not had a long history. It has however been developed very
                     expertly by one young lass, Ellenor.

  The bot is mainly an attempt at seeing what can be done in pure Tcl, but has
         been released to the general public for review and public use.

               Main features in Featherdrop that you might like:
  - Lack of partyline - until there's a partyline, everything is controlled via
                    - ~60% compatibility with eggdrop scripts
                              - Works with bmotion
  - Bundles a useful channel "service" script made by the wonderful N3X (dunno
                  if that is his ircname, just read the source)
              - Parses 005 for a perfect configuration every time.
   - Potentially supports cap multi-prefix (hasn't been added to the 005 code
  yet, but could certainly be added to the post-init script *.2 where * is the
                     config file name on the command line)
             - Connects to all major IRCds flawlessly thanks to 005
 - Exposes the internal state machine through the commands tnda and nda (useful
  for writing featherdrop-specific scripts and for helping me make Featherdrop
                         more eggdrop compatible ;-) )

                              >  <>  <>  <>  <>  <
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      _____  _  _    _    _  _  _  __ __   __ ___   _   _   ___  ___   ___
     |_   _|| || |  /_\  | \| || |/ / \ \ / // _ \ | | | | | __|/ _ \ | _ \
       | |  | __ | / _ \ | .` || ' <   \ V /| (_) || |_| | | _|| (_) ||   /
       |_|  |_||_|/_/ \_\|_|\_||_|\_\   |_|  \___/  \___/  |_|  \___/ |_|_\

         ___  ___    _    ___  ___  _  _   ___   _____  _  _  ___  ___
        | _ \| __|  /_\  |   \|_ _|| \| | / __| |_   _|| || ||_ _|/ __|
        |   /| _|  / _ \ | |) || | | .` || (_ |   | |  | __ | | | \__ \
        |_|_\|___|/_/ \_\|___/|___||_|\_| \___|   |_|  |_||_||___||___/

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                      |   /| _|  / _ \ | |) || |\/| || _|
                      |_|_\|___|/_/ \_\|___/ |_|  |_||___|

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... hopefully this will be a pure-Tcl eggdrop-clone.







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