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Andrew Steinborn edited this page Feb 19, 2018 · 4 revisions

Unless specified, all of these require the permission superbvote.admin.

/sv votes [player]

Checks your vote amount, or the specified player's.

This command requires no permissions, but specifying a [player] will require superbvote.admin.

/sv top [page]

Shows the top players.

You can grant this permission using

/sv pastetop [amount]

Pastes the top [amount] players.

/sv fakevote [player] [service]

Issues a fake vote for the specified player.

/sv reload

Reloads the plugin's configuration.

/sv clear

Clears all stored and queued votes.

/sv migrate [source]

Allows you to migrate the database from another voting plugin. Supported sources:

  • gal - Migrates from GAListener / Give Anything Listener. You should make sure the GAListener plugin folder still remains.
  • svjson - Migrates from SuperbVote's JSON-based storage. This is primarily useful for moving from JSON storage to MySQL. You must ensure that votes.json remains in your SuperbVote plugin directory.