This is the fuzzer for Security II.
- This runs with Python version 3.6.7
- Set up with
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run fuzzer with
python [args]
- Run servier with
python [args]
- NOTE: Only runs with python v3.6 and later
- Run a default set of tests where each field is fuzzed individually with all possible values tested for each field
- The user can specify what fields to fuzz but use the default tests -- DONE
- Running a set of tests where content of fields is read in as hex from a file. -- DONE
- The user can specify multiple tests in the same file -- DONE
- Each line can correspond to a given packet with tag:value pairs -- DONE
- Set a maximum on the number of tests in a given file
- The fuzzer must include a small default payload that is specified in a file and can be edited by the user -- DONE
- Run a default set of tests where each field is fuzzed individually with all possible values tested for each field
- The user can specify what fields to fuzz but use the default tests -- DONE
- Run a set of tests where the content of the fields is read in as hex from a file. -- DONE
- The user can specify multiple tests in the same file -- DONE
- Each line can correspond to a given packet with tag:value pairs -- DONE
- Set a maximum on the number of tests in a given file
- The fuzzer must include a small default payload that is specified in a file and can be edited by the user -- DONE
- Run a set of default tests where random payloads are sent to the Server
- User specifies the number of tests to run -- DONE
- User can specify a fixed payload size -- DONE
- User can specify size of the fixed payload -- DONE
- User can specify a varied payload -- DONE
- User can specify the range in a varied payload -- DONE
- User can specify payload in a file -- DONE
- Each line in the file is a separate payload -- DONE
- There is a maximum number of tests in the file
- The fuzzer processes the response from the server -- DONE
- The fuzzer tracks the number of valid and invalid responses -- DONE
- When the fuzzer completes it will print the total number of tests, valid, and invalid counts -- DONE
- Normal socket library that does not parse the IP and Transport Layers -- DONE
- Inspect the payload for a series of bytes (referred to as the pattern ) at the start of the payload -- DONE
- The pattern should be specified in hex in a file and read when the server starts -- DONE
- The pattern may not exceed the maximum allowed payload length -- DONE
- The server will send a response with payload 0x00 if valid -- DONE
- The server will send a response with payload 0xFF if invalid -- DONE
- The server will keep a count of the number of valid payloads received -- DONE
- The server will keep a count of the number of invalid payloads received -- DONE
- When the server is done or stopped it will either display the counts or write them to a file before exiting -- DONE