library that allows you to use Feign client as a Data Fetcher for graphql.
imagine you have Feign Clients as following
@FeignClient(name = "startwarHumanClient", url = "${starwar.url}")
public interface StarWarFeignClient {
@RequestMapping(value = "/createHuman", method = POST)
Human createHuman(@RequestBody CreateHumanInput input);
@FeignClient(name = "startwarclient", url = "${starwar.url}")
public interface StarWarHumanClient {
@RequestMapping(value = "/hero", method = GET)
Character createHuman(@RequestParam("episode") Episode episode);
@RequestMapping(value = "/human/{id}", method = GET)
Human human(@PathVariable("id") String id);
@RequestMapping(value = "/droid/{id}", method = GET)
Droid droid(@PathVariable("id") String id);
@RequestMapping(value = "/character/{id}", method = GET)
Character character(@PathVariable("id") String id);
and wish to expose existing APIs as Graphql
type Query {
# If episode omitted, returns the hero of the whole saga. If provided, returns the hero of that particular episode
hero(episode: Episode): Character
# Find human by id
human(id: String!): Human
# Find droid by id
droid(id: String!): Droid
# Find character by id
character(id: String!): Character
type Mutation {
# Creates a new human character
createHuman(input: CreateHumanInput!): Human
# the rest part of schema definintion is here
easy! just add Grafeign annotations above feign interfaces and methods and these are exposured as Graphql DataFetchers:
@FeignClient(name = "startwarHumanClient", url = "${starwar.url}")
public interface StarWarFeignClient {
@GrapheignField(name = "createHuman")
@RequestMapping(value = "/createHuman", method = POST)
Human createHuman(@RequestBody CreateHumanInput input);
@FeignClient(name = "startwarclient", url = "${starwar.url}")
public interface StarWarHumanClient {
@GrapheignField(name = "hero")
@RequestMapping(value = "/hero", method = GET)
Character createHuman(@RequestParam("episode") Episode episode);
@GrapheignField(name = "human")
@RequestMapping(value = "/human/{id}", method = GET)
Human human(@PathVariable("id") String id);
@GrapheignField(name = "droid")
@RequestMapping(value = "/droid/{id}", method = GET)
Droid droid(@PathVariable("id") String id);
@GrapheignField(name = "character")
@RequestMapping(value = "/character/{id}", method = GET)
Character character(@PathVariable("id") String id);
then you can wire grafeign data fetches in one line
graphqlTypeFetcherSupplier.get().forEach((type, fieldDataFetchers) -> wiring.type(typeRuntimeWiring(type, fieldDataFetchers)));