(use 'com.ashafa.nozzle) (def username (System/getenv "TWITTER_ACCOUNT")) (def passwd (System/getenv "TWITTER_PASSWD")) (defn my-callback [message] (println message)) (def noz (create-nozzle "filter" username passwd my-callback {:track "twitter"}))
Nozzle is a Clojure library for streaming tweets from the Twitter Streaming API . Nozzle abides to the guidelines for connecting/reconnecting to the streaming api on HTTP/Network errors, or intentionally disconnecting/reconnecting/updating streams. Nozzle is also capable of changing methods and query parameters while streaming with practically no loss of data.
For documentation, please view the API. It should be pretty straightforward, but if you are having any issues don’t hesitate to drop me a line.
Have fun.
Nozzle uses Leiningen.
Install by adding …
[com.ashafa/nozzle "0.2.1"]
… to dependencies of your project.clj file.
- API could use some love.
Please participate by reporting any bugs, suggesting a feature, or contributing code. With your help, Nozzle can be made even better.