Template Site is an skeleton of a web application that features:
- Login
- Logout
- Sign up
- Email verification
- Password recovery
The application is a website where you have to login to enter in a restricted page. The restricted page is a messages page, where you can see, add or delete messages that are shared beetween all the users. Also is possible to edit your own user and, if you are and admin user, you can add other non admin users.
Default users are [email protected]
, the admin user, and [email protected]
a normal user. Both users have the same
password and it is password
As usual:
git clone https://github.com/asciiu/template-site.git
The following commands are written for a GNU/Linux environment (Debian, if you want to know). So please adapt it
to your system if it is necessary. Also they are running supposing that you are locating inside the folder
, the root of this project.
Assuming you have already installed postgres create a user and the database. Substitute your own names where appropriate.
sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE USER player PASSWORD 'password';"
sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE DATABASE play_example_db;"
sudo -u postgres psql -c "ALTER DATABASE play_example_db OWNER TO player;"
IMPORTANT! If you change any database config value, please remember to update the config file
The file models.db.Tables.scala
contains the database mapping code. It has been generated running the main class
. If you want to regenerate the database mapping code for any reason, check the
config file conf/application.conf
and run:
sbt tables
Add your mail server settings to application.conf under play.mailer. Set 'mock' to false to send emails.
To run the project execute:
sbt run
And open a browser with the url http://localhost:9000
The plugin sbt-updates is installed (see plugins.sbt
). To check
if all the dependencies are up to date, it is necessary to execute:
sbt dependencyUpdates
Licensing conditions (MIT) can be found in LICENSE