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Run integration tests

Integration test are based on a postman collection and executed via newman. All test are run within docker/docker compose so no additional dependencies are necessary.


# OR

docker compose up -d postgres
cargo run
cd collections
newman run ascii-pay-tests.postman_collection.json
cd ..
docker compose down

apple wallet pass setup

wallet pass strip


  • AppleWWDRCAG3.cer
  • pass.cer (from
  • key.pem (from CertificateSigningRequest for pass.cer)
    • if you have a .p12 file after exporting the key from Keychain, the .pem file can be generated with: openssl pkcs12 -in key.p12 -nodes -legacy -nomacver > key.pem
openssl x509 -inform der -in AppleWWDRCAG3.cer -out apple-wwdr.pem
openssl x509 -inform der -in pass.cer -out apple-apns.pem
openssl pkcs12 -export -in pass.cer -inkey key.pem -out apple-pass.p12

nfc authentication

    participant card
    participant terminal
    participant ui
    participant server
    card->>terminal: put card on reader
    terminal->>+card: get static id
    card->>-terminal: get static id
    terminal->>ui: identify id
    ui->>+server: identify id
    server->>-ui: (ASCII_CARD / GENERIC_CARD / UNKNOWN)
    alt ASCII_CARD
        ui->>terminal: auth phase 1
        terminal->>+card: auth phase 1
        card->>-terminal: auth phase 1
        terminal->>ui: auth phase 1
        ui->>+server: auth phase 1
        server->>-ui: auth phase 1
        ui->>terminal: auth phase 2
        terminal->>+card: auth phase 2
        card->>-terminal: auth phase 2
        terminal->>ui: auth phase 2
        ui->>+server: auth phase 2
        server->>-ui: auth phase 2 <<session_token>>
        ui->>+terminal: auth phase 1
        terminal->>-ui: auth phase 1
        ui->>+server: auth phase 1
        server->>-ui: auth phase 1
        ui->>+terminal: auth phase 2
        terminal->>-ui: auth phase 2
        ui->>+server: auth phase 2
        server->>-ui: auth phase 2 <<session_token>>

For GENERIC_CARDs the terminal contains a private key to perform the challenge response process.


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